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Random crashes to desktop


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it's me again today. :D


Skyrim keeps crashing for no reason. I don not get any errros messages and it happens at random encounters. Sometimes after 15 minutes.. sometimes after just 2 minutes.

I already unchecked and uninstalled a few mods of which I thought they could cause this problem but this didn't solve it, though uninstalling SkyUI improved my performance.


Here are my mods and load order:




Thanks in advance. :)

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The crash to Desktop Syndrome happens mostly if you deactivate Mods you used to play with because either the plugin priority gets F***** up or theres Data missing. Unfortunally there´s no solution to it. All you can do is get rid of everything related to Skyrim including all Mods and Savegames, reinstall everything and start all over. I have to do that now too because I couldn´t make up my mind if I want some Mods or not and so I ruined my installation. Best thing to do is to make a list that contains all the Mods you want to install and have someone expirienced here help you set up a list in wich order to install them. But I´m telling you now, getting rid of a mod later on that changes anything having to do with animation, textures or anything visible will result new CTD´s anytime in the game .... problem is that Skyrim seems to be very unstable to start with. Edited by Ravean
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