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Paladin Ability: Divine Storm


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Hi, I was thinking about doing a Paladin play through. You know 1h or 2h with a strong restoration tree with a very anti-undead build with certain spell mods. But I was thinking... how cool would it be to have Divine Storm from World of Warcraft? I got this idea because using healing spells on yourself gives a light swirling animation similar to Divine Storm, all you would have to do is add the low opacity hammers, script some damage, and maybe brighten it up a bit with a more yellowish tint.


* Maybe make it a Lesser Power where you use Z to execute.

* An AoE (Area of Effect) ability to where it hits multiple targets around you.

* Hits average on humanoids/dragons. But hits extremely hard on Undead/Ghosts/Witches/maybe even Conjurer's.

* Learned from the Stendarr Faction either through a book/trainer/questline.


Divine Storm Animation :: Starts at 0:32



Edited by cuhhris
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