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Broken Main Quest


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Hi, In A CORNERED RAT quest when i react Ratway Warrens to find Esbern. when i talk to esbern for the first, and he want to open the door but door doesn't open anymore, and i can't talk to her again. should i missing a things??? i played 30+ hour in skyrim and my level is 24 and i install couple mod from this site. should any patch can fix it?? please help....
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@cloud1405, hi, the game might not be finding the voice dialog files for Esbern or might be missing the files.

Esbern not speaking causes quest script timing to malfunction and issues like the door not being opened happen.

Some people claim Bethesda fixed this in a patch; but, you must have 'update.esm' checked in the 'data files' skyrim launcher.

i'm not sure if this is true or not.


Anyway, you can search 'http://skyrim.nexusmods.com' for 'Esbern' and get a page full of fixes.

The fix usually involves just copying about 11-12 MB of loose sound files (about 438) into your skyrim install.

(' skyrim\data\sound\voice\skyrim.esm\maleuniqueesbern ')


Here are a few for you:

Esbern Sound Fix by TerrorDetonator - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18152

Esbern with voice by Niefelheim - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21348


so, try installing a voice fix; then, replay a cornered rat gamesave prior to reaching Esbern..

by the way, Esbern not speaking and not opening the door is a known bug.

also check your skyrim.ini, make sure under the [Archive] section this line is listed:

sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa



Edited by xlcr
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