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is bethesda catering the wrong fans


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I remember when Age of Empires III came out and people were outraged that you could set the town centers to automatically assign workers to a task when they were created, as opposed to stopping what you were doing to go tell a new worker to go do the same thing you told the previous 10 workers to do. Obviously that was a massive betrayal of their hardcore fanbase.


For every game that spawns a sequel, there will always be a vocal minority yelling that it's been dumbed down because they simplified or eliminated much of the repetitive, unintuitive, mostly unnecessary grind-work that usually led to boredom in the previous game. Thankfully for them, there are plenty of mods to add 50 unnecessary new steps to armor forging or remove quest markers and fast travel or to make dungeons pitch black in the name of realism.

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its all about the money, and always will be.


as for some fans saying the company betrayed us with this or they dumbed down and cut this.


Go play one of the older TES games like morrowind or oblivion and enjoy all the stuff that they cut or dumbed down for skyrim, after awhile you'll appreciate what skyrim does better and then you switch games and then you switch again.


keep in mind their is no such thing as a perfect game, even with mods all we can do is improve and minimize, but regardless there will always be that which we dislike.

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You guys say that they made it for console gamers. There is no doubt about that because they are in business of making money and pleasing their investors. Then how come do most of the console players that I know simply cant stand Skyrim? Some hate it because its boring and others hate it because its a bugfest. Edited by cherom
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Go play one of the older TES games like morrowind or oblivion and enjoy all the stuff that they cut or dumbed down for skyrim, after awhile you'll appreciate what skyrim does better and then you switch games and then you switch again.


For real. I've been back to Morrowind and Oblivion since Skyrim has come out and absolutely could not stand the clunky (Obliv) and nonsensical (Morrow) combat systems of the older games. Swinging my dagger and "missing" nine times in a row before I finally hit? No way--that is beyond stupid.


That said, dang, actually having to query NPCs for information and directions to complete quest objectives and explore... whatever happened to that in Skyrim? Having a meaningful disposition system and bartering? Attribute and governing skills? Actually unique weapons and armor? Sigh. In any case, your point is proved, in my experience, beyond any doubt.


Console gamers might not like Skyrim as much because they have really been shafted by bugs the most (especially Playstation users) and do not have access to the mods that we PC users do. That vastly limits their ability to correct perceived failings in the game and to extend endgame content and replayability beyond initially beating the game. There is also probably something to be said about the generally younger age of console gamers and how, in general, teenagers do not like RPGs or at least would not prefer to play them when given the choice between an FPSs or sports game and an RPG.


If such metrics were compiled, I would be interested to see the breakdown between gamers that continue to play Skyrim vis-a-vis their gaming platform. I would imagine that it would be HEAVILY weighted in favor of PC users for the reasons mentioned above.

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You guys say that they made it for console gamers. There is no doubt about that because they are in business of making money and pleasing their investors. Then how come do most of the console players that I know simply cant stand Skyrim? Some hate it because its boring and others hate it because its a bugfest.


A small share of a huge market is larger than a huge share of a small market. The suits who run Bethesda are an Armani-wearing herd of greedy, grasping, short-sighted corporate swine with the aesthetic sensibility of Visigoths. They are therefore slobbering the stanky pucker of the drooling subnormals who populate the console crowd while simultaneously flipping off all the PC gamers who supported them loyally through the hard times. Anyone on a PC with a triple-digit IQ can see the consolized UI in stock Skyrim is simply unplayable, and received little or no playtesting. As for why many console gamers still dislike Skyrim, I'm sure even with the aggressive lobotomization of Skyrim that it's still too complex and immersive for huge swaths of the grunting neanderthals who play their Cheeto-crusted Xboxes with prehensile toes.

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No, not really. They are a business first and foremost, thus they need to turn a profit to keep going. The downside to this is of course sub standard releases filled with massive bugs. I have to say that from the scope of the game you would be cruel to be overly critical of Bethesda. The bugs are there but the game is immense despite of them and they did open up modding to a much larger and less elitist crowd. With so many people learning how to use the CK there is enough stuff to keep you playing the game for years. Edited by luzburg
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Some people play it on the console because their computer can't play it or they don't like to use steam. I have a friend that's a little younger then I am and he told me he was thinking on buying skyrim. I really tried my best to convince him to buy it on pc and gave him plenty of reasons. But he ignored that and bought it on console anyway. Stubborn little brat that he is.


He bought mass effect 3 for xbox too as well as its earlier games. He's more a console gamer then a pc gamer. Personally, I'm a pc gamer but I do tend to play games on console such as assasins creed because it has a smoother feel too it. That and I don't think there are too many mods for he AC games.


My point is that some are so used to play console games that the thought of using 'mods' don't appeal to them because they don't know how to apply them and because they fear to break the game.



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Let's look at Bethesda and TES. Now let's look at Bioware. And now let's look at Infinity Ward/Treyarch.


Obviously Beth hasn't hit rock bottom yet, but some people need to understand that they're a business. They do not serve you, they serve themselves. They go where the most money is whether that's what you want to believe, or if it's what they say.


In response to Skyrim lacking "true RPG elements": this isn't the 90s. Games evolve, and as time goes on, no one wants to deal with spreadsheet layouts and difficult to understand stories. You hardly see any games these days with what many of you consider "true RPG elements".


Face it, we're a minority, a dying breed. We remember what video games were in the old days but we are FAR from the majority. People who run a business hardly care about the minority, they want to cater to the 80% of people who have never played an old school RPG in their life. We need to move on and accept the future for what it is, and maybe we can find some good in it. You can't sit around all day whining about how things aren't exactly the way they were when you were a kid.

Edited by barker279
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Theres always throwbacks such as Dragon age: Origins that come and please the younger rpg players as well as older ones.

Then there are games like Demons and Dark Souls that just come out and are perfect in one area, in that case the combat and game mechanics.

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So far all the game bethesda made have had replayablity, even in vanilla form.


Add in the fact theat pc gamers have access to the modding tools and can make some pretty awesome stuff, stuff that even beats some of the DLC for that game;


Example: Knights of the Nine Revealtion, and Anduril Reforged by Lancoer (might have mispelled) for Oblivion and those armors by hothtrooper44 for Skyrim.


Great quests, awesome items, and a high production value.


now compare that to a game like Modern Warfare (insert number here). sure the story evolves but the story isn't that great and it is bascially the samething every game. shoot, kill, explosion repeat.


i enjoy playing a fps form time to time, but i play thru the game once and never repeat it ( except the Wolverines! in MW 2, i'm a fan of Red Dawn) and all you play is muliplayer, if that.

Edited by modder3434
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