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is bethesda catering the wrong fans


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Go play one of the older TES games like morrowind or oblivion and enjoy all the stuff that they cut or dumbed down for skyrim, after awhile you'll appreciate what skyrim does better and then you switch games and then you switch again.


For real. I've been back to Morrowind and Oblivion since Skyrim has come out and absolutely could not stand the clunky (Obliv) and nonsensical (Morrow) combat systems of the older games. Swinging my dagger and "missing" nine times in a row before I finally hit? No way--that is beyond stupid.


That said, dang, actually having to query NPCs for information and directions to complete quest objectives and explore... whatever happened to that in Skyrim? Having a meaningful disposition system and bartering? Attribute and governing skills? Actually unique weapons and armor? Sigh. In any case, your point is proved, in my experience, beyond any doubt.

Console gamers might not like Skyrim as much because they have really been shafted by bugs the most (especially Playstation users) and do not have access to the mods that we PC users do. That vastly limits their ability to correct perceived failings in the game and to extend endgame content and replayability beyond initially beating the game. There is also probably something to be said about the generally younger age of console gamers and how, in general, teenagers do not like RPGs or at least would not prefer to play them when given the choice between an FPSs or sports game and an RPG.


If such metrics were compiled, I would be interested to see the breakdown between gamers that continue to play Skyrim vis-a-vis their gaming platform. I would imagine that it would be HEAVILY weighted in favor of PC users for the reasons mentioned above.


Many of the younger players don't have access to top of the line PCs.....I have two teenage daughters who often they bring their friends home....when the young fellows come around (their male friends) they keep crowding around my game ooohhing and aahhing at my graphics and mods, all jealous as sin at what Skyrim can be compared to what they themselves have on their console versions and lesser PC's....As I see it, they are very interested in Skyrim, but many just don't have the equipment to bring the game up to the standard it can be.

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A lot of the things people wish were in Skyrim weren't even that good in the first place.


I like disposition, but the persuasion system was stupid in both Morrowind and Oblivion. In Morrowind it's like a game of chance that is incredibly frustrating--thank goodness for speechcraft trainers because otherwise I never could have leveled the skill up--and in Oblivion it just doesn't even make any sense. I'd definitely like to see how a character feels about me in Skyrim, but it seems that there's only two disposition choices: indifferent and friend (the latter meaning they could be a possible spouse. And will occasionally give me a thoughtful gift like a pot or 10 gold or something). Actually, I forgot that there's also an enemy option in case you've ever assaulted that person or killed someone in their family.


I didn't care so much for stats. I mostly saw it as the game trying to dictate what kind of character I played. Like, why do all of the female characters have lower strength? I suppose that is more like real life, but my character is a wood elf! Is that anything like real life?


Quest markers were a welcome addition. It's kind of cool that you have to pay attention and heed directions when you're finding your destination. But sometimes they're too vague (the bandit's hideout is somewhere east of here. And it's not just a straight walk east because there's a mountain blocking your path. Have fun!) and I wish I had a quest marker to follow.


Morrowind's dialogue was a blessing and a curse.. it's nice that the text ISN'T voiced so that the modding community has less of a burden when making new NPCs. But why is it that NPCs in Morrowind seem to have less original things to say than NPCs in Skyrim, where absolutely everything is voice-acted? What really ground my gears was when I would explore a new area. I have no idea what the area is other than that it's some sort of building with some strange Dunmeri name. I'd walk around and talk to NPCs, hoping that they would tell me what the area was and what they were doing there. But they don't have anything to say other than "What do you want?", "I'm [name] the [profession]" and recite the same rumors that everyone else in Morrowind says.

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All of the dumbing down and cutting... Yeah, Beth is a sellout. They are trying to placate newbs that play in linear ways and dont get everything out of their games. The casuals, unreceptive, dabblers and next best thing-ers. The weird part being most of the fanboys are in fact newbs. Which just goes to show they dont know what is missing in the first place.





I didn't care so much for stats. I mostly saw it as the game trying to dictate what kind of character I played. Like, why do all of the female characters have lower strength? I suppose that is more like real life, but my character is a wood elf! Is that anything like real life?



Er, it didnt try to dictate anything. You choose what to raise. Not to mention male and female Bosmer have the same strength...

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This ends now, I have had enough of the name calling, bashing and general disregard for others


The community is better than this. Go to the bethsoft forums and post this tripe and let me know how it works out for you.





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