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Can't finish Side Bets or start Finishing Touches


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<Turns out all you need to do to fix this is reset the quest. Talk and go through the dialogue for it again and it worked.>


I'm having a big issue finishing the side bets quest. I killed house and have yes man uploaded to the 38. However, when I go to him to finish Side Bets after doing everything optional and required in the quest, I only have the option to talk about the tribes I should talk to or say goodbye. The quest cannot be finished.


I know why, Old School Ghoul was bugged for me so i did the command to "meet" Ranger Andy again, therefore so Raul will engage in the respective dialogue so i can finish his quest. Unfortunately, this has a (unreported?) side effect of resetting every NPC's dialogue I've met. Normally this just means I have to go through the dialogue again so its no problem, but I fear it's made it so yes man always thinks i have more to do wit Side Bets.


I tried to fix this by finishing the side bets quest via command "complete quest <ID>" But his dialogue is still the same when I go back to him, nothing new.


I then looked it up and the Finishing Touches quest involves going to the el dorado substation, i did, but no option on the terminal to do anything, I must have the quest started first. I cannot find a way to start this quest. I haven't seen any commands to start quests manually.


I have a back up save before I killed mister house, but I don't want to resort to that and it might still be bugged anyway. Can I please get some help here?



-Ceaser Killed

-For the Republic quests finished

-All tribes dealt with/ignored

-going for independent vegas

Edited by HaloFighter92
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