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Thank You!


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Dear modders/moderators/players:


Positive feedback! Everyone loves it!!! I just wanted to take a moment to post a huge thank you. I am an ignoramous girl that loves to play games on the computer. I, personally, want to thank you for doing such a wonderful job. As a writer, I know that submitting work for publish is like sending your soul to some stranger. You all take that same risk when you make your work public. At risk of censure and positivity, you keep going forward, and I solute you for doing it!


It takes players to make a game successful. It takes modders to make the game more....interesting? once you've done everything you can from the developers. And, it takes Moderators to control the peanut gallery.



Some bomb, and some soar but it is the trying that counts. Keep up the great work!





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Where's the "like" button on this thing? I thought the IPBoards had "like" buttons these days.


Anyway, it's always great to see little posts like this one. For most modders out there (myself included with my silly, insignificant mods) knowing that even if there's just a small hand full of people out there who enjoy and appreciate your work is all the payment you're ever going to want, need or get for your efforts. The fact that somebody likes your work enough to take a few moments out of their life just to say "thank you". That's just a special icing on the cake. I know I can't speak for everybody on here, especially not the mods and admins who work hard to keep this little bundle of chaos organized, but I can say that it's posts like yours that help keep a lot of modders happy and motivated, so thank you.

Edited by Lurker101
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You folks really deserve the thanks. Sincerely and heartfelt! You put so much time and work into these little things, I'm in awe! To the point where I went and dl'd the CK and am watching the tutorials...... Still can't seem to figure out how to get out of the paper bag.


I've come across some really nice work. Bert's Breezehome is fabulous and right now it's the only one I use. Pimp-my-Proudspire is fantastic for organizational freekazoids like me. Niire's work is stunning! I've used all her mods.


I'm very picky about what I like my characters to look like and what they wear. I don't mind revealing, but I don't care for scandelous. I'll leave that to you boys :) I've searched and searched, stumbled onto Snowy Nightingale and fell in love. There was so much detail and time put into that armor. I've tried several other nightingale mods, but I think this one is by far my fav.


Just last night I decided to check out some Theives armor. I went through about ten? I think. Discovered that I really like the work done by K4tonic - TG-HRR. Two thumbes up!!! (and two big toes) The look of this armor is very expensive and impressive. Fabulous job! I'll be wearing it for a while. :)


I think I might be an natural born killer... sorry mom! I really have fun with the Dark Brotherhood. So far, I've only tried two of the armors, both are great! USMCguy's set won out though. There is a new HR one out there, but right now, it's too shiney and cartoonish for my tastes. The reason I like USMCguys version is that it is rugged and worn. I mean, really. What do we DB do for a living? We kill people, plain and simple. Blood and gore is a bit of a hassle to get out and sometimes fabric doesn't always stand up to .... excessive washing.


KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!! I can't wait to try out more mods, I'm having a blast with this.

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