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Kylin the Divine Beast: A very rude beast indeed - need help


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Hello everyone. i have installed zertualpro's Kylin the divine beast mod ( http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18446 ) and am having some issues. I can ride the beast just fine, but whenever an enemy engages me in battle Kylin goes berserk. I dismount and begin defending myself and Kylin attacks me (and anyone else around).


Anyone know how I can fix this? I have tried contacting the mod author, but he does not respond.


I have tes construction set, but do not know how to use it (although I am a quick learner).


Any help would be appreciated.

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Its called tough love mate. ;)


Try doing this to fix it though:


- Make a backup of the Kylin the divine beast mod ESP

-Open the CS. There should be a popup window entitled "Data" with a list of .esp files. Click the box to the left of the kylin ESP

(if the window doesn't open initially, go to File - Data to get it to open)

-With the box to the left of the Kylin ESP checked, and the file name highlighted, click "Set as active file"

- Click OK.


The CS should now load Oblivion.esm and the Kylin ESP. This may take a bit.


When things are loaded up, go to Character - Factions

This will load a new sub window. Ignore it for now

Look at the Object Window. Expand Actors - Creatures - Horse

In the list to the right, scroll down until you find "Kylinrider"

Right click on the name in the list and click edit.

This will open up yet another subwindow.

In the list of tabs to the right, click "Factions"

There will be an almost empty list there.


Now go back to the faction subwindow (the first one you opened).

Scroll down to "HorsePC"

Click-drag the name of this faction from the list in the faction subwindow to the Factions and Ranks list in the edit window for Kylin.

This may take some rearranging of the windows to achieve the drag.


Click ok in all the windows. File - Save.


Exit the CS and load your game. Should work. And I apologize for any typos and formatting issues in my post. I'm off to bed now.

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