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Wryebash shutting down right after launching


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Week ago, I decided to play Skyrim again, this time to at least finish main quest line. I prepared various overhauls and mods to install along, using Wrye Bash.


First, Steam AGAIN decided to delete my tesv.exe in the meantime, along with few other files, so I let it download it again. Then I noticed that Wrye Bash (I had version 295) had some problems with update.esm file. I decided to install current 299 version, as I heard that it might help. But after I tried to launch new version, WB informed me that there was older version previously installed and asked me, if I want to create backup files for it. I agreed, but when WB tried to initialize, it shut down immediately without warning.


I tried uninstalling and installing it again, but program acted the same. I attach a "Wrye Bash.exe.log" file, but I don't know if I need to post anything else, if so, just tell me, please.


I also tried to find the answer by myself, but failed.


Thank You for any help, advice, tip or answer.



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