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Skyrim's Early/Prehistory


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I was practising my modelling recently on a whalebone spear, partway through this I thought about how The Elder Scrolls, or indeed any fantasy games, barely cover the prehistory or very VERY early history of their civilisations. From what I can find on the Wiki the earliest "peoples" with a racial name were the Ehlnofey, neither man nor mer, but ancestor of both.


I have an idea for a little mod based upon this, but I'd need to see if there's any more lore regarding them to see if they could indeed be portrayed as a Stone Age people. If so I think it'd be interesting to be able to find archaeology sites in the different regions of Skyrim where ancient weapons and tools can be dug up, their style depending on the environment.

For example, the northern coast could hold artefacts of tribe similar to the Inuit or Haida peoples of Earth.


Example of a coastal "Ehlnofey" spear, made from whalebone or any of the large creatures that used to inhabit Skyrim, perhaps even one of the original Dragons. The decoration is based upon Haida artwork, here depicting an abstract Dragon head.




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