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Help Making New Race With New Textures


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crashinghell - Hello!


"I was Trying To make Human With a nice green lizard texture to make a new race but every time I select the texture it says path invalid or something. Any help is appreciated "


I take it your changing the texture for your new Race in the Race window - Body Data tab in GECK.


Some files have to be in a specific folder structure for Fallout 3 & GECK to recognise them.


For Race textures I'm pretty sure they can be in any folder structure as long as it's in the:


Fallout 3\Data\Textures


If you've accidentally placed your textures within the Mesh folder & try to point GECK to that, you'll get that error message. If that's the case, move it to within the texture folder.


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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