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Evil! Just evil..


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To begin, I offer a muffin to anyone who can figure this issue out! o.~


Essentially, I had to reinstall my OS and lost all my mods, but went through the tedious act of getting them again and attempting to reassemble my load order: naturally I read to the best of my ability the incompatibility and requested orders / my own knowledge of how they should be; but after countless hours I've still not managed to figure out where I'm going wrong and likely it's something simple I just blanked out on and overlooked in my wary attempts to get things going again... so I'm hopeful someone has a clue what I've overlooked! :(


Onto the specifics, I create a new character without any fault; enter in and within 5-15 minutes the game will...

A.) Lock up, but visually remain.


Seemingly at random, I made an effort to resort my loadorder and retest / retest / retest in the same location, using alternative start to begin at Riverwood's Inn, and I'll get all set up and leave the Inn, head toward the Thief/Mage/Fighter stones. One crash let me get all the way to the stones, activate one, and return to Riverwood before crashing.. one let me get to the stone, activate and froze instantly.. one let me get to the stones, and halfway back.. one let me get to the stones, back, and into the main-quest ruins in the mountains before I quit with a grin thinking I'd fixed it, came back .. crashed fairly quickly after that; through all this crashing I dropped Imps Complex Needs and a few other mods I wasn't to concerned with only to find it's still happening with the order below.


Skyrim Updated



ESM Files






Climates of Tamriel


ESP Files


dD - Enhanced Blood


Climates of Tamriel-Dungeons&Interiors



Alternate Start

N-43 Hair Pack

Presets (A face preset mod)


dD - Realistic Ragdolls

The Dance of Death




Immersive Armors

Dread Huntress Armor

Weapons of the Third Era


Duel - Combat Realism

ACE (Everything EXCEPT the Combat mod - Duel Handles that!)




SkyMoMod_lists (Lore Friendly)


Convenient Horses

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Check your games exe [TESV] to see what patch version it's up too, a patch was released this week that is patch 1.7


and make sure if your using skse to have the latest one, they released a version of skse for patch 1.7 on June 23rd

Edited by sinnerman69
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I actually made a effort to avoid the latest update because SKSE hasn't caught up yet and is still lingering on (Edit: By that I mean, the 1.7 is in beta and I really prefer to avoid beta's at all cost.)


Plus the mods sites I visited all seemed to just now be getting updated to 1.6; I'm about to get up the willpower though, to begin deselecting all the mods one by one and attempting to recreate the crashes over and over again until I find the issue, oh the lovely headaches ;3 But probably the only way I'm going to narrow it down at this point, I can't find any obvious incompatibility anymore, for some time I figured it was simply Imp's Complex Needs & all the compatibility files that have to go along with wildlife & feast combined with the new 1.6 update that was breaking it. But in the end...


Just meh'! I don't know. This is my first time running 1.6 so it could be the cause all by itself and I wouldn't know any better, a lot of the mods I'm attempting to get to work together are new to me as well, so suppose it's my fault for diving in deep right off the bat, pity I didn't save my load order on a external harddrive before I cleared my system but even so might have run into the same trouble due to these new additions even if I had.


(Immersive Armors, IHud, Skyrim Monster Mod, Frostfall (instead of hypothermia), Duel, Ace, Convenient Horses, Dread Hunter armor, Build Your Own Home, Birds of Skyrim.. all pretty massive, aside from Dread Hunter.. and all new to me, so think I'm just in over my head.)



Edit again! Hopefully found the issue, did enough searching on google to discover the Monster Mod is actually incompatible with Real Wildlife, a lot of comments were posting about CTD's in some cases, in others Real Wildlife was taking over and not letting Monster mod spawn anything.. so Wildlife is out, and hopefully.. praying at least, it was just an issue between those two mods.


Third Edit :3

Yes, that was the problem' made it away to kill a troll, ventured around whiterun, no issues ;D so done with! Real Wildlife and Monster Mod do not naturally play well together and no compatibility patches for it I could find so settling with MoMonster. Wish me luck ~.o No more crashes .. no more crashes.. not ever <.< >.> NOT EVAH! Oh one can dream..

Edited by Satorinu
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