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Face coloration issue


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So I have noticed characters faces in my game have turned a different color than their bodies...very very pale faces, almost white. I have tried removing various mods, recreating the character through console, then restarting game. Nothing has availed, my characters always all differently colored faces to their bodies. Is this a known issue and is there any known fix for this?
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Are the characters your talking about for a mod you created or someon elses?
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This is a known problem by mods who change npcs.


You can try to fix it via the CK as follows:


1. Figure out which mod has changed npcs:


If u dont know which mod is responsible for it, open the CK, load skyrim.esp as master and a mod as active file.


Then look at the actor section, modified npcs will be marked by an asterisk.


After detection:


Highlight all the npcs which are edited (Ctrl+click,) then Ctrl+F4. You'll get a prompt to export the characters' facegens. Follow the instructions, save, that's all.


Additionally, u can try to choose "Update NPC Body Tint Colors" (you'll find it at the character menu)


Hope this will help.




Btw: sorry for grammatical errors, im not a native english speaker. ;)

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