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Mods that Dawnguard breaks / break Dawnguard


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The Temptress race mod is broken by Dawnguard. Even with the updated Dawnguard Vampire mods they wont reconize you as a vampire and thus no npcs will talk to you. Also The Vampire Lord form often just plain breaks and wont transform back and forth. Additionally using the bats power makes your character disappear entirely and only a reload fixes it.


FYI any custom race that doesnt also include a Vampire version of it is broken, the game seems to look for _Vampire added on to determine if your a vamp or not as it does with normal vanilla races.

Edited by LenaMarie
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Anyone have problems with Lightning During Thunderstorms or Immersive Skyrim Thunder?


Apparently Aut Unequip Arrows had an issue with the crossbow bolts, but the author's released an update for that (gotta quit the script in console, then save, before updating)

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After deleting the whole meshes folder (where anims and models are stored) and disabling all my mods I seem to get a lot of animation glitches, for example the gargoyles anims are screwed, when I turn into a vampire lord and move around it doesnt play any of the anims I saw on the trailer, also I cant get into the ground so I cant move forward in the questline.
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If you're using the older, non-SkyMoMod-required version of Skyrim Scaling Stopper, the Skyrim Scaling Stopper - Misc. Edits.esp file gave me CTD's when leaving interiors in an existing saved game, and during the intro in a new game, the prisoner character would get stuck floating above the ground a few seconds after it starts, and the carriage would continue on without him.
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I got the same problem, as one posted already:


I agree to turn into a vampire, go through the tutorial with the vampire-lord and if I go into the main hall - the NPCs are telling things like "you should speak with Lord Hakon (?).. bla - you are mortal" etc. - so.. I may be able to turn into a vampire-lord, but in the .. Normal form I am not rated as a vampire. I tried it with a Nord and a Dunmer, and the problem appears both times. The PC also don't get the yellow eyes ore something diffrent. I don't have ANY custom races installed.. so, I am simply headdesking. o_O


Because the NPCs are telling me to talk to Lord Hakon "he may give you the gift again", I tried this - but he does not react on any dialoge option any more.


The Dawnguardians are working fine, but the vampirequestline is impossible with this. I searched through the net, but there is just the case before my post I found. And it is the german version, maybe it occurs only here?


------------------- EDIT:


Well, I noticed a possible solution at the Bethsoft-Forums, from a user called Martut. In his case removing "PlayerVampireQuestScript" out of the script-folder solved the problem directly. But this didn't seem to work allways.

Edited by JCeats
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I will not be able to get my hands on Dawnguard until later tonight or tomorrow, so I have not been able to do any real testing or diagnostics yet, but here is what I can tell you:


Skyrim Scaling Stopper is reported to not work. My guess is that the only real problem is in the optional file called Skyrim Scaling Stopper - Misc Edits which removes borders. There was another report on this thread which reported that a different border removal mod has the same symptoms -- things like not being able to leave a city, or having the cart scene at the beginning of the game be totally messed-up. So people could continue to use the main file of Skyrim Scaling Stopper at this time, and soon the problem will be examined and new versions of the mod will be released, including one for the main file which will remove the level scaling from Dawnguard.


Vigilant of Stendarr Quests is of course broken by Dawnguard, but a couple of the members of the broken and dispersed modding team that worked on that project are making plans to do the compatibility work for that mod to make it so that it will work for users of Dawnguard.

Edited by David Brasher
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