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Reseting scripts


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Having tried the kill-disable-enable command set, and having no luck, I present to you the following proposal: there are several baseline scripts I need to reset:


1. The Death of Nathan Vargas

2. The Death of Lucas Simms

3. The exile of Anthony Ling

4. The exile of Lydia Montenegro


Because these are script commands, I'm not sure how to turn them off, though I am very keen to do do. In fact, due to mods, the ATT mod is unplayable without the rest commands. Do you guys know where they are?

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charwo - Hello!


I'm sorry, I'm not sure I quite understand what you are asking here.


You're trying to bring these people back in game?


That would just need, for say Nathan Vargas, to open the console in game & type these four commands pressing return after each:


prid 00003b57



moveto player


00003b57 is Nathan Vargas' ref ID, you use prid because you can't click on him to select.


You can get the ref ID for the others from the Fallout wiki:




Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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Yeah, thank you. Not helping, but I'll try to explain the situation:


I can easily reset say Lydia Montenegro in the wake of Tenpenny Tower quest. I might even be able to get her back to her store. However, and this is the important part: she uses her exile dialogue and won't sell me the ATT mcguffin I need to further the mod quest. Likewise, when Nathan Vargas and Lucas Simms die, there's a script that causes dialogue to change in Manya. You can talk to her, even if you revive Nathan and he's right in front of her, all she'll say is "It's been so quiet since Nathan passed." There's a dialogue script that needs to be reset. A more gamey example would be that if Clover dies and you resurrect her, her Eulogy Jones script kicks in, and you get the same dialogue bubble that you did before you bought her. In practice this means she can be traded with, she can be dismissed and will follow you to the ends of the earth in only her dirty springware outfit. There are scripts that control dialogue options that need to be reset in all of these situation, but I neither know what those scripts are, nor how to look for them, nor how to actually reset them via console commands.

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charwo - Hello!


"I can easily reset say Lydia Montenegro in the wake of Tenpenny Tower quest. I might even be able to get her back to her store. However, and this is the important part: she uses her exile dialogue and won't sell me the ATT mcguffin I need to further the mod quest."


Lydia Montenegro's vendor services are probably connected to the Tenpenny Quest stages.


In order to get her offering services in game again you'd probably have to set the Tenpenny Quest back to before the take over.


setstage 00014e9f 10


Would set it back to when you have to take sides in the conflict.


Or maybe try:


resetquest 00014e9f


That might reset her when you call her back but it's rather messy. If you completed the Tenpenny Quest in favour of the Ghouls, they will all be in there now. A new vendor takes her place & I'm not sure how the two would interact.


Same goes for the other characters


You can get the Quest base id's from the FalloutWiki:




They also list the quest stages.


It's just that you're going to have to do a lot of messing around to get these characters back to a pre-scripted event status through the console. It'd probably be easier to start a new character & play the game differently to keep them alive in the first place so you can utalise the mod's dependant on them.



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