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Create new Option/Button


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Hi, I am new to modding in skyrim. I'm contemplating several different mods to try my hand at. I'd like to create a mod to manipulate the contents in a container (e.g. corpse, barrell etc....) What I'd like to know is if it is possible to add a button to the interface? e.g. something right next to one of the buttons on the bottom such as take all, or even some option next to each item. I've done about an hour of research so far and haven't seen anything obvious as of yet, so before I go too far down the rabit hole, I figured I'd just ask if it is possible so I don't waste my time. If adding a button in this way is not possible, is it possible to create a script that works on a container that is activated when a user looks at an object, such as the action to open the container? Basically the first thing I wanted to do was create a script that loops through a containers inventory and tells me the combined value of all items in the container.



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Im no expert in this particular area but yes i believe its totally possible But im very sure your mod would have to be running under the SKSE aka - skyrim scritpt extender.

beyond that info i cant help anymore as i dont know anything about scripting

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