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Far Cry

Mini-Mod request


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As you can clearly see I have a *little* bottleneck with springs.




After a Google-search I found that I'm not the only one but sadly I've found no solution. It is the only material that you cannot get by trading animal skins (despite the help text says you can), only one fish, where you get 30 springs, which takes ages.


I don't want a cheat to get springs, just a possibility to farm them without going fishing a whole day... So could one of you modders out there make some mini-mod that only changes the trade good for one animal skin to springs? For example there are FOUR types of animals that you can trade for components, one of them is the cougar. So if one would get 60 springs instead of 60 components for a cougar skin would be great!


I guess this is only very little work for someone who knows how to do it and I would highly appreciate this! And I'm sure I'm not the only one...




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