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help with niff and dds files


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I am having trouble with a couple of mods. Unfortunately I can't use the modmanager to install as I have oblivion and they won't work together. So I need to do manual installs.

I need to know where to put the nif and dds files.


One mod I am particularly confused by is the radiant_andunique_potions, mod.

Another I want to use is the Mystical_Illumination_glowing signs.


The downloads don't have directories set up.


Any help welcome



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i don't have the potions one, but my Mystical Illumination d/ls have the proper file structure. Should be able to just merge the data folder from your d/l with the game's data folder (What's the file structure on yours? You did extact the files from the downloaded zip or rar file, right?)


I don't have oblivion, but that's weird that its presence prevents nmm from working. Oblivion mods have nmm buttons, and I recall that when I installed nmm oblivion was one of the games it looked for.

Edited by kevkiev
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