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Dawnguard, mods scripts and other thing's that worked


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I just installed SkyUI_2_2 and skse_1_05_10 and my game is patched to 1.7, I also have the high def dlc installed


Initially so far both are working fine with dawnguard, but I haven't escaped helgen yet



Post any mods you found worked in this thread


mods sorry in advance if these types of threads aren't allowed :unsure:



I'll be adding in mods slowly over the next week or so, I'm not a big mod user and I've only been using about 15 so far and stay away from vanity mods and the only clothing mod I use is "Deadly Serious Shrouded Armor"




forgot that I hate lock picking and installed Lockpick_Pro_v3 from the KenMOD - Lockpick Pro - Cheat mod, Initially so far it works, but haven't escaped helgen yet


update 2


After speaking with hardvar he wont move, so might have to remove KenMOD - Lockpick Pro - Cheat mod and see what happens


update 3


hardvar moved after removing the lock picking mod, I loaded two saves before I installed that mod, before he went into the narrow corridor


update 4


I re-installed the leveler tower mod version 26 and had no problems and I also re-installed Teleportation Spell with menu_Mark and Recall with menu and it too worked with no errors

Edited by sinnerman69
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