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Dawnguard Bug (SPOILERS!)


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Ok, now that you have been warned, I have successfully enslaved the Moth Priest, and brought him back to the Castle. However, after he reads the scroll, he just stands there, doing nothing. It's a bug, I'm sure of it. Anyone know of any console commands that can force him to continue? I'll be searching on my own, but I may as well post this here....


EDIT: Ok, using the console, I was able to advance the stage. Now, I'm having similar issues later on in the quest. This time, your vamp companion refuses to open up the soul cairn even after getting the ingredients. I've tried the same methods as before, but setstage, setobjectivecompleted don't seem to be working, even with the correct quest id.


Any advanced users care to help?

Edited by funnyhalo
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