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Another quest/dialogue question

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Does anyone know how to have a NPC leave a cell after speaking to the player ?

I don't need the npc to walk away just not pop out of view with disable()

I've tried adding this to the diaolgue papyrus fragment...
RegisterForLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget)

and then adding this event... but it seems it never gets here ???
Event OnLostLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget)
debug.messagebox("Player has left...")


I guess I'm missing something but don't know what :sad:


Help please.

Edited by The-Wanderer
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Solved... sort of...

I still can't find a way to do it in the script... If anyone knows how then I'd still like to know how


But to work around it I have created a Trigger on the path the pc will have to take to leave and used that to remove the npc.

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