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Preventing Minuteman Quests for Established Settlements?


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So I'm working my way across the Commonwealth establishing well defended settlements, but it's getting pretty annoying when Preston keeps trying to send me back to settlements that I've already fortified, especially when there should be more than enough Minutemen nearby to handle it without me. I've taken to never turning them in to block new ones, or using console commands to skip them remotely.


I don't mind being sent to help out new or under defended settlements, but most of my established ones have defence 100+ so shouldn't really need a general to personally intervene anymore.



Anyway, I've tried searching but haven't been able to find any mods to alter this, though maybe I'm searching for the wrong terms? Are there any mods that can allow me to alter how these quests behave?


I'd prefer if I could just prevent them from selecting settlements that are well defended, but am happy to look at other solutions.

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One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22296 , This is what I've been using. It even slows down the radio freedom quests a bit after you complete, "Take the Castle" . There are a few others, this seems to work best for me. If you want others, put " Radiant Quest " without quotes in search bar, gives you about half dozen options.

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So I'm working my way across the Commonwealth establishing well defended settlements, but it's getting pretty annoying when Preston keeps trying to send me back to settlements that I've already fortified, especially when there should be more than enough Minutemen nearby to handle it without me. I've taken to never turning them in to block new ones, or using console commands to skip them remotely.


I don't mind being sent to help out new or under defended settlements, but most of my established ones have defence 100+ so shouldn't really need a general to personally intervene anymore.



Anyway, I've tried searching but haven't been able to find any mods to alter this, though maybe I'm searching for the wrong terms? Are there any mods that can allow me to alter how these quests behave?


I'd prefer if I could just prevent them from selecting settlements that are well defended, but am happy to look at other solutions.

Give ma link to yo saves plz ima wanna see.I wanna see your settlements.

Edited by Stronglav
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One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22296 , This is what I've been using. It even slows down the radio freedom quests a bit after you complete, "Take the Castle" . There are a few others, this seems to work best for me. If you want others, put " Radiant Quest " without quotes in search bar, gives you about half dozen options.



Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately it's not quite what I was looking for; I'm happy to receive quests for new settlements from Preston/Radio Freedom, I just don't want to be constantly helping settlements that should no longer need my help. This seems like it just sets the number of simultaneous quests from 3 to 1 which doesn't really solve the problem.



I actually took a little look at the quests themselves and found there's actually already one quest (kidnapped trader) that checks for a defence rating in its AnyWorkshop quest alias, so I've cobbled together a basic plugin trying to replicate this with the other minutemen quests, will see if it works. I may have to take another look at the central quest (which dispatches new radiant quests) to see if I can force it to trigger on demand so I can test faster; once I'm happy that it's working I'll release the plugin.

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SKK Workshop Ownership Utilities:


(7) Disable or enable Minuteman settlement radiant quests (kidnapping, problem with) at owned workshops.


Its a simple property setting on each workshop.

Edited by SKK50
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Actually if there was a way to disable just the kidnapping if a settlement had x amount of defense and settlers living there would be much better. I really hate those dam kidnapping quests the settlers seem to have a kidnapping fetish they pay raiders and supermutants to play out for them. Who the hell gets kidnapped from a sanctuary with giant cement walls and rocket turrets everywhere plus a mod that moves the enemy spawn points to outside the build borders? A degenerate settler thats who;-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I've been testing my mod for a while and it seems to work; I'm no longer seeing any minuteman quests for settlements that are well defended. For simplicity I set a settlement as defended at 50 defence (no kidnappings or requests to clear out feral ghouls), and well defended at 75 (no more requests to clear out super mutants, raiders etc.).


However one other issue I'm noticing is that now that I have nearly all settlements I am seeing a lot of attacks, not sure if it's just because of the sheer quantity of settlements, or a possible side effect of no other quests triggering. Fortunately I've already tweaked the automated settlement defence algorithm so settlements with defence greater than food + water + 10% will automatically succeed every time, however it does nothing for the frequency of attacks.


I'm given to believe that settlements are immune to attack for 7 days after the last attack, but I can't for the life of me figure out where this actually controlled? I know that settlement attack quests are triggered via script event, and I know the script event is triggered by the TriggerAttack() function in the WorkshopParentScript, but what I can't find is how that function is actually called, because I believe this will be where settlements are actually checked for how recently they were attacked. I had expected the immunity to be part of the quest alias conditions (this is how the minutemen radiant quests work) but this doesn't appear to be the case.


Does anyone have any idea which quest or script actually picks a settlement to be attacked and enforces the 7 day immunity?

Edited by Haravikk
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Having already published mods that do all of that, these are the non invasive script settings you can manage to stop events:



(1) Set the value on the Workshop you are interested in to zero until you want an attack then set it to 99 to be picked up in the daily update run:

ActorValue WorkshopRatingLastAttackDaysSince = pWorkshopParentScript.WorkshopRatingValues[pWorkshopParentScript.WorkshopRatingLastAttackDaysSince]
(WorkshopREF as WorkshopScript).SetValue(WorkshopRatingLastAttackDaysSince, 0)

(2) Or even better set these values to false to stop all intrusive radiant events:

(WorkshopREF as WorkshopScript).AllowAttacks = FALSE
(WorkshopREF as WorkshopScript).MinRecruitmentAllowRandomAfterPlayerOwned = FALSE
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