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how to use enb and which textures should i take ? Pls help, goin crazy


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hi there,


i am trying to make my skyrim look the way i want it but i just dont get it...not to mention that i just got me dawnguard too


when i set up an enb i install the stuff from the enb-site (thats what i get) and then put the enb-setting-files to the dir too. but here the problems start : i want to install climates of tamriel with the authors settings buuuut :


sharpshooter in his guide says : FRESH INSTALL PROCESS ENB and then much more....is this ment to be when i install an enb on a pure skyrim for the first time ? because he would make me copy the skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini around (or move them, i dont understand it) and then start the game again and copy them back...where´s the sense in that ?? thats what the guide says :


Drag the ENB files provided with the mod in Skyrim main data folder

Go to MyDocuments/Mygames/Skyrim

Verify that "bFloatPointRenderTarget=1" is correctly set in SkyrimPrefs.ini

If not, modify these lines exactly as above

Take your two inis (Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini), and put them on your desktop for backup (Anyway, always have your inis backuped somewhere)

Delete rendererinfo.txt

Go to Skyrim main folder and launch TESV.exe

It will recognize your render device, and create two default inis in MyDocuments/MyGames/Skyrim

Don't launch the game, quit the launcher

Go to MyDocuments/MyGames/Skyrim and delete the two default inis

Take back the Inis you backed up from your desktop, and put them in MyDocuments/MyGames/Skyrim

You're ready to go !


well, i dont understand the logic behind that. can someone help me ?


and with the textures : i want to use the skyrim optimizer textures......but when i use the resized high res from bethesda, could i still use the dh lite textures ? or does the first one make it not possible ?


and another one for the enb-topic : do i have to USE the injector or can i just start the game by using skse or tesv and the effects work ?


pls answer, i will start crying VERY soon or hang myself...i am used to modding but some of the how tos are just absurd imho x_x


thx in advance !



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