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Hand holding...


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thats because Lilith becomes unkillable but still borderlands is not a game that offers a Challenge.


fable and kingdoms of amular......joking they're easy as hell.


witcher 2 in the hardest mode but thats a fantasy game


2nd edit: i know super meat boy and the binding of isaac

The Witcher is actually pretty fun. Even after I decided I was done with fantasy games, I contemplated installing it again. There was some hand holding, but it was challenging at the highest difficulty. Although something that broke the game for me was the needless censorship and the animations.


I've also considered buying TW2 if I ever beat The Witcher, because it seems like an awesome game.


Witcher 2 is pretty cool, loved it to pieces and play both regularly.


Mind you hand holding seems to be the norm, unless, like me you just do what you want when you want and then find that you end up where you're supposed to be in a roundabout kinda way lol.


I've just installed all the Assassin's Creed games and have begun with (believe it or not) Number 1, go figure radical of me or what? I'm still in tutorial mode as I'm having a few problems with remembering which keys to press in order to run, jump and climb without killing myself in the process. Doing more laughing at myself than swearing in frustration I must admit lol.


Find something you've not played before, if it has the option to turn off tips etc, do it and just go lose yourself.....

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I'm looking at Darksiders, Darksouls and Dishonoured. The latter totally intrigues me and maybe you should take a look???
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For me I must admit, its the storyline and depth of characters that make me want to play a game more than once. I love being able to download a demo and take a look that way. If a game can capture me from the demo then I will buy it. Sometimes the demo is actually better than the game, but usually the two are the same and you lose nothing in the playing.


Reviews are all well and good, but "one man's meat is another man's poison" and that is true here. What one person may like, others may hate with a passion. We are all individuals and can only pass on our "own" opinions and beliefs. It is up to the other individual to take what is given at face value and decide whether to take the plunge or not. Like most things in life :D

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I love being able to download a demo and take a look that way.

That reminds me... Kings Bounty. There is a trio of games (technically 2 and an expansion for the second) on Steam, as well as a demo.


The Kings Bounty series is one of those games where even when you know what you're doing, and even even if you blatantly cheat, you can still end up getting utterly decimated and stuck trying to figure out how to rebuild your army. This is because most of the units you get access to are in limited quantity throughout the game, don't always work well together, and the difficulty of new areas is coded to adapt and increase enemy group sizes based on your rank (even when elevated past normally achievable levels) and not just progress through the storylines. The actual gameplay is more strategic than action based, but at times it can get very tough to avoid certain fights just so that you don't lose stronger units against weak opponents. The story, humor, and appearance isn't half bad either. Oh yeah... and playable demo.

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I've played it, didn't find it as entertaining as X3. X3: Terran Conflict (or more precisely, it's expansion Albion Prelude) was the entire reason I started the thread. There was one tutorial which was entirely optional, and everything else was left up to you.


Have you played Vanilla Terran Conflict yet? Apparently it's somewhat tougher than AP. Many people claim that AP is a lot easier than TC due to the stock trading making it ridiculously easy to get rich fast. I haven't seen this myself yet, as I haven't played AP yet though.

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I've played it, didn't find it as entertaining as X3. X3: Terran Conflict (or more precisely, it's expansion Albion Prelude) was the entire reason I started the thread. There was one tutorial which was entirely optional, and everything else was left up to you.


Have you played Vanilla Terran Conflict yet? Apparently it's somewhat tougher than AP. Many people claim that AP is a lot easier than TC due to the stock trading making it ridiculously easy to get rich fast. I haven't seen this myself yet, as I haven't played AP yet though.

Not vanilla TC, but I'm not ridiculously rich because I'm going on a month playing AP, and my main source of income is flying captured/abandoned ships back to shipyards to sell them. I do trading missions sometimes, but the most I've ever made from one of those was 92k Cr. I hardly have enough money at this point to buy a freighter.

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You know I thought for a moment, you were talking about your career. :facepalm: You're actually talking about a game aren't you? Yes, I know, I'm sad :D :facepalm:
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