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Landscape Concept Artists


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I'm putting together a team for the design of a rather extensive mod.


Normally this inquiry would go to the game I'm attempting to mod, but that's too specific to my question.


We're looking for a landscape / interiors concept artist to flesh out the design stage of our project.


Are there any on the Nexus looking for projects?


Where's the best place to find them (besides dA, which seems to have been infested with manga character artists, at least on their forums)?

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Generally speaking, with mods, you're usually best off just doing it in the editor directly instead of making someone do some art... then trying to reproduce it. If you're building new meshes, try to develop the sort of look you want with pieces that are already available, or find a 3d artist that can kinda play with the theme and materials to make something look cool. if you aren't building new meshes, there isn't anything that an artist could do that couldn't just be done in the editor.


Even if it is a collaborative point (so that multiple team members have an idea what a area might look like), you can usually accomplish most of this by having someone just build a rough environment consisting of the main components and relationships, then hand it off to someone else to try and match landscaping, clutter, and atmospheric elements to what was established.


If you are just trying to develop some sense of what an area should look like, you would already need to have that for an artist to be able to come up with anything. So you can just work in the editor around what you already know, and try various static models to get a feeling of what works, what doesn't, and what might need to be built.



Concept art tends to be much more useful in production houses and other situations where you have full freedom in how the game looks and works, and can simply just pass it off to a team of modelers to create the components that are featured in that art. If you don't have a dedicated modeler who can do crazy neat stuff... Concept art can singlehandedly sink a project since everyone is wow'ed by how cool it looks, and has to sit there waiting months while some basic components get turned into usable models.

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  • 12 years later...

Building a team for a large-scale mod sounds like an exciting project! While Nexus Mods is a great starting point, you might also want to check out platforms like ArtStation and DeviantArt (despite its focus on character art) for landscape and interiors concept artists. Additionally, forums like Polycount and CGSociety often have talented artists looking for freelance or collaborative work.

For inspiration or ideas, you could also explore landscaping Tucson resources, which might provide useful visual references for natural and architectural elements that fit your mod's design. Good luck assembling your team!

Edited by LegacyLandscaper
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