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Making the Game Choose Female Meshes!


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Correction: I'm trying to make the game force a female versions of clothes/armor on the player body only whether i was

playing a male or female.. I would fix the title but i can't


Function GetModelPath(bool bFemalePath) native



I found these but have no way of knowing how to use it...

SKSE Member of: Armor Script

Returns the file path for the nif file representing the world model of the armor. (This function requires SKSE)

Contents [hide]

1 Syntax

2 Parameters

3 Return Value

4 Examples

5 Notes

6 See Also



string Function GetModelPath(bool bFemalePath) native



bFemalePath: Whether to get the file path of the male or female model of the armor.

Return Value


A string representing the file path of the nif file from the Data\Meshes folder.



; Retrieve the file path of the nif file for the male model of ArmorIronCuirass

String FilePath = (Game.GetForm(0x00012E49) as Armor).GetModelPath(False)

; Returns "Armor\Iron\Male\CuirassLightGND.nif"



This is to retrieve the nif file of the world model. That means the model you see when the armor is on the ground, not when it is equipped.

See Also


Armor Script

SetModelPath - Armor

Edited by sunhawken
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This function has nothing to do with your title.


GetModelPath only gives you the file path of the world model (the model you see on the ground and in the inventory) of an armor. I don't see what else to say to make it clearer, the description you gave is perfectly clear.

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This function has nothing to do with your title.


GetModelPath only gives you the file path of the world model (the model you see on the ground and in the inventory) of an armor. I don't see what else to say to make it clearer, the description you gave is perfectly clear.


ill fix the title, What I'm trying to do is make the game choose the female version of armor whether i was playing a male/female character or not for player only.


I'm trying to find help for these. I know it weird but.. i have my reasons..

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If you just want a male head with a female body, just use the console command player.sexchange.

If you want the game to consider you as male, while having a female body, that'll require lots of modding (less if you want all male NPC to have a female body as well).

Edited by Gilead Maerlyn
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I don't understand.


You want to play a male character with a female body?






Not if i just get the game to switch the armor female version i'm wearing .. then it's not a lot of scripting ! XD

I know how to fix the head the armor version is the only problem.. I need to game to make a check every thime i put on armor and then set it to female version simply i found the sript but do'nt how i would use it!


Ex(s) would be custom races/unique race and body shapes for obivion so i know it can be done

Edited by sunhawken
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