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Diagnosing HDT-SMP CTD


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I have hdtSSEFramework and hdtSSEPhysics v1.5.62. Body physics works correctly. Any other physics: cloaks, skirts, etc., causes a CTD. I am not using any other physics (e.g. CBP). I've tried the hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs provided by HDT and also the CBBE SMP Config v1.0.6 package. The hdtSSEFramework.log contains nothing useful (startup messages only). The hdtSSEPhysics.log is completely empty.


Is there any way I can fully diagnose why HDT is crashing the game, so I can fix it?


Or is this a common problem for which the answer is well known (except by me)?



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I'm pretty sure it all comes down to having the right XML files in hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs, but for whatever reason those configs are never published with the mods that need them, and you're just expected to make them yourself from scratch (after getting a degree in physics from MIT).


I hope I'm wrong.


I just find it odd that after meticulously following every instruction to get SMP working, installing every (named) dependency, and even seeing the body physics actually work in game, that I and so many others get CTDs with armour physics. Clearly there's some secret sauce that nobody's talking about.


It'd be useful if someone who actually has a working setup would post their mod list and configs so I could replicate it. I'd even help out by doing step by step documentation and a setup mod for the configs, so other people can just install it in NMM/MO/Vortex and get it working in one click. All I need is the information.


[Ed] Incidentally, this is my starting point: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3800385-a-guide-to-hdt-smp-usersmodders/

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It's gotta do with your video card, I had a 1050ti 4gig and hdt cloaks would crash me. Hair would studder. And body collisions would crash me. But the body physics no problem. I now have a rx580 8gig and now I can run it all but get massive frame rate drop. Over clocked my card and I can run it all at 15-60fps. Disable your collisions and you should be able to run cloaks and hairs maybe.
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Already tried that. Chose the "No Collision" option in the CBBE SMP Config v1.0.6 FOMOD. Still crashes.


If it only works with AMD then that's an HDT bug and unfixable by anyone other than Hydrogen, who seems to have essentially abandoned it, and from what I can tell is entirely uninterested in any form of collaboration. If so then HDT-SMP is basically dead, and I guess I'll just have to wait for CBP to support armours, or just give up entirely, because I'm certainly not switching GPU platforms just for the sake of a mod.


I'd love to hear from any Nvidia users who have a fully working HDT-SMP setup, to at least eliminate that as the cause.


It'd also be useful if someone could figure out some way of forcing HDT to do verbose logging, so I have an actual error message to analyse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Setup: 1080ti | Ryzen 7 | ENB enabled (custom) (60fps locked)

Have had no crashing issues with either body physics or clothing physics.

body: (CBBE non esl, bodyslide CBBE Body Special) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198?tab=files

skeleton: (XPMSSE) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1988


You could try checking the general skse log:

- **\Users\*\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE\skse64.log - should contain a line something like this: plugin hdtSkinnedMeshPhysics.dll (00000001 hdtSkinnedMeshPhysics 00000001) loaded correctly


If you are using another mod that uses *dll* injection it may be a source of crashes, a while back the floating damage text mod was causing a crash when using it in combination with SMP.


If you are using Mod Organizer then Hydrogen did recommend not installing SMP through MO, rather add it to your root Skyrim directory (have not tested if this actually causes issues or not).


By far the easiest way to eliminate your hardware being the source of the problem would be to set up a bare-bones test environment that only has SMP, SKSE, XPMSE, Bodyslide and the armor / body that seems to be causing the issue.


Could also try confirming that you have OpenCL capabilities http://www.geeks3d.com/20091221/how-to-enable-opencl-support-on-nvidia-and-amd-platforms/


If all else fails you could try turning down some of the solver options in your hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs/configs.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <numIterations>16</numIterations> <-- !!!
    <groupIterations>16</groupIterations> <-- !!!

If none of that resoves anything you could try opening your hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs/cbbe-tbbp.xml (this is what CBBE is linked to in your defaultBBPs.xml, might be different for you). Find the collision entries and comment them out, collision entries are <per-triangle-shape> and <per-vertex-shape>. I have had occasions where the body collisions in particular get a bit freaked out and start chomping frames.

  <per-triangle-shape name="CBBE">
Edited by treota
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Most clothing with SMP capability will have the link to its xml definition file baked into the .nif file itself. Essentially the downloader does not need to do anything other than install it.


A few of SunJeong's latest entries have this: (apologies, they are loverslab links but the content is pretty tame)






Edited by treota
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Thanks for the detailed information, but it turns out that the one requirement necessary to actually use HDT-SMP is not actually documented anywhere.


After two weeks of research, I finally turned up this: Summerrain’s HDT-SMP tutorial for dummies


Which led me to do a more specific search that turned up this: HDT SMP Animation Patch for Chevaleresse Armor


In short:



Warning: 1. HDT Skinned Mesh Physics is not compatible with some AMD CPU, because SMP need CPU to support the SSE4.2 instruction set .
If your cpu don't support it, you will CTD when you equip smp animated items


I have an AMD A6 APU. It doesn't support SSE4.2. Therefore I will never be able to use HDT-SMP non-body physics (the prospect of me buying any new PC equipment any time in the foreseeable future is zero).


This would have been useful to know right at the beginning, before wasting my and everyone else's time, but given the utter lack of documentation of HDT-SMP this is not surprising. At the very least this essential information needs to be pinned to whatever little documentation exists for HDT-SMP, to save others from wasting their time like I have.

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