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Delphine Wont recruit my follower


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I too am having this same problem I have UFO and Recruit More Blades I have even done a restart of the game even uninstalled Skyrim and still can't get past Delphine saying "i'll give them the oath later" I have never ever been able to get my followers into the blades. Even console setstage only changes the quest indicator but nothing happens with the follower.

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Yeah I am as well. I tried uninstalling all the follower mods I had, but still nothing works. I tried uninstalling the SHT mod I hat as well (Sky Haven Temple, Merchants and More) to no avail. Setstage doesn't work, nor does adding them. This has been going on even before I got the Paarthurnax quest. As a matter of fact, I downloaded a "let him live and be friends with both" style mod right when I got the quest. Basically, I installed tha Parth mod AFTER the issue started. Anyone have any ideas?

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  • 4 months later...

I wish this post hadn't died. I've looked everywhere and can't find ANYONE with a solution to this problem. Approach Delphine with one follower, show playerfollowercount Tells me 1, I talk to Delphine.. Sometimes I see the option to tell her I've brought a follower to recruit then it disappears real fast, and my playerfollowercount reads 0, and sometimes she says she'll do the oath and nothing happens.. Please revive this and find a fix.. =(

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I'm not even getting that far with Delphine... she doesn't even give the option about an oath or whatever she has just same three dialogue lines and that's it but it shows the quest to bring followers to Delphine.


Posted 15 August 2014 - 08:48 AM


Okay. Had this issue myself. Went through some methods.


First, remove UFO

Set the follower as non essential with console commands ( setessential <Base ID> For me, it was Cosnach because his skills are one handed (blades use one handed weapons) and heavy armour (blades use heavy armour) so his code was 00013390. The wiki and uespWiki have all the codes you'll need)

I then used the console command "kill" on my follower and then resurrected him the same way. He was then able to join the blades.

It may be worth mentioning that Delphine was inside the temple rather than outside. Not sure if its a factor.


Hope this helps others.


Auzarion (Me)


I hope that works I am going to try this in my game to maybe. I don't really want to remove UFO myself as I have a lot of followers that might get screwed up if I remove it. And HEEEEELLLLLOOOOO to everyone after so long ago we were on this topic. I have been playing this game again and still got Delphine being like this. So annoying. Hopefully I can do a run down again and see whats the matter. And it is probably because of UFO. It edits something in the Blades files. But no one knows what. Even then people still have this problem when UFO isnt installed. Which I find really annoying. Bethesda why. Just why...

Edited by Auzarion
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  • 1 year later...


I'm not even getting that far with Delphine... she doesn't even give the option about an oath or whatever she has just same three dialogue lines and that's it but it shows the quest to bring followers to Delphine.


Posted 15 August 2014 - 08:48 AM


Okay. Had this issue myself. Went through some methods.


First, remove UFO

Set the follower as non essential with console commands ( setessential <Base ID> For me, it was Cosnach because his skills are one handed (blades use one handed weapons) and heavy armour (blades use heavy armour) so his code was 00013390. The wiki and uespWiki have all the codes you'll need)

I then used the console command "kill" on my follower and then resurrected him the same way. He was then able to join the blades.

It may be worth mentioning that Delphine was inside the temple rather than outside. Not sure if its a factor.


Hope this helps others.


Auzarion (Me)


I hope that works I am going to try this in my game to maybe. I don't really want to remove UFO myself as I have a lot of followers that might get screwed up if I remove it. And HEEEEELLLLLOOOOO to everyone after so long ago we were on this topic. I have been playing this game again and still got Delphine being like this. So annoying. Hopefully I can do a run down again and see whats the matter. And it is probably because of UFO. It edits something in the Blades files. But no one knows what. Even then people still have this problem when UFO isnt installed. Which I find really annoying. Bethesda why. Just why...


That didn't change anything for me.

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