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New Landscape And Vertibird AI Problem


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Hello all, I am currently working on a mod and created a new landscape. I made, lets just say a Vertibird, and it keeps flying into the ground and into hills.. I have NavMeshed the area and there are some enemies there that work just fine but not the Vertibird. I modified this "Vertibird" and thought maybe it was just because I messed it up but it works fine if I use it in the Commonwealth. I was testing in The Slog and it worked just fine, but when I go to my custom cell and try it in game it flies into the ground and circles around me while looking like a sand shark from Terraria lol is the land that was generated need to be marked in some way so that the AI knows it's there/where the ground starts? Is it a NavMesh issue? I really am at a loss here so I hope someone can help me out.


Thanks in advance.

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This is a bit of a long shot but years ago I had the same problem in Skyrim, and knowing how beth likes to recycle engines and assets and vertibirds are essentially the dragons of the fallout game...


This is how to generate "don't fly though me" geometry in skyrim, I bet there's a similar menu option somewhere for Fallout. You will need to regenerate it every time you make landscape/architecture changes:


load up your custom world, and then click menu World > Generate max height data for world. Select your custom worldspace from the list provided, click OK. Done!




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This is a bit of a long shot but years ago I had the same problem in Skyrim, and knowing how beth likes to recycle engines and assets and vertibirds are essentially the dragons of the fallout game...


This is how to generate "don't fly though me" geometry in skyrim, I bet there's a similar menu option somewhere for Fallout. You will need to regenerate it every time you make landscape/architecture changes:


load up your custom world, and then click menu World > Generate max height data for world. Select your custom worldspace from the list provided, click OK. Done!





OMG THANK YOU!!!!! I was struggling with this for like 2 days straight you're a life saver! I would of never figured this out on my own; mostly because I couldn't find anything on it. For real though I FRICKING LOVE YOU DUDE.

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