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[LE] How do I set Starting Skills to Zero?


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OK, so insanity has finally set in, and I am about to attempt to bring my Tiefling mod over from Oldrim to SSE........ sigh

It seems I have forgotten much that I once knew, lol. However, I suspect some peeps here know:

1. how do I set all starting skill levels to zero (instead of level 15) for a custom race.

2. does anybody know if Bhaktisean is still around? I would like to bring his Lunari race over to SSE (Tiefling uses Lunari race), which would require his permission.

3. I have converted the Lunari over to SSE (for my own use), but the eyes that come with the mod don't show in game. Standard eyes, and those in other mod packs work OK with Lunari. Its just the ones that Bhaktisean packaged with his mod that don't show. Is there some tweak I can do to get them working?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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Thanks Skaybestrong, I'll have a look for that :smile:


EDIT: Yep, that's the setting. Seems odd that Bethesda wouldn't have that as adjustable for each individual race. I know you can adjust skill bonus by race, but that is rather limiting I think. However, it is what it is, so I'll just have to work with it. Thanks again Skaybestrong.




Edited by dePog
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It has finally occurred to me that I can just run a script that checks the value of each skill at the start of a new character and use ModAV or Force AV to set them to zero. That way I won't be conflicting with any other mod that adjusts the global game setting of iAVDSkillStart

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That's an even better solution, good on you! You could even achieve this with a spell I think, just make the spell an ability, make the ability unique to the player race. Using less scripts is always better, since it won't slow down the game :) There is a workaround for almost everything!

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