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Secret Door and how to script


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No. Why do you replace scriptname with SebosLoftNote_Script? don't do that.

Also you must define the properties (wall and doorway) before adding the event to the script.

Edited by DieFeM
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okay i managed to get the script done by deleting old scripts i tried to do :D

I'm really sorry and thank you so much for your help!


Nice :) I'm glad you figured it out.

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yea but i had point the doorways and walls to two xmarker, which i used in the script properties instead of directly pointing to the walls and doorways. Will these doorways (they are onysided so i had to put two of them) directly be visible or only after reading the note?

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i had point the doorways and walls to two xmarker, which i used in the script properties instead of directly pointing to the walls and doorways.


If it is properly set (Enable Parent), so they mimic the state of the xmarkers, you can absolutely do that.

Will these doorways (they are onysided so i had to put two of them) directly be visible or only after reading the note?

Everything will be enabled (visible) unless you set them as "initially disabled" in the properties of the reference (the object in the world).

Note that if the xmarkers are initially disabled, the linked references will be disabled too.

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