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[LE] Despair: Going into Skill Tree freezes game

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Hello Nexus Forum,


I am currently making a Perk mod. Things have been working out fine, at least until lately. Now it seems my .esp file is absolutely corrupted. I get the following problem when I go into the game:


I open the menu. Press upwards for "Skills". I get to the Skill Tree overview. So far everything works fine. Then whenever I navigate into a Perk Tree, the game completely freezes. It does not CTD, sadly, it just freezes completely.


To add to my confusion, there is no pattern to this at all. Some Skill Trees are damaged, have missing links, and still work perfectly fine! Others are consistent, finished, without any seeming errors, yet crash guaranteed, every single time I try to navigate into them.


It has made any testing impossible. One Handed, Restoration, Destruction, Alteration, Twohanded and Block are completely broken. I cannot look at a single Perk ingame without the game freezing. All the other Perk Trees work utterly fine, even though they have modified/new perks.


I tried cleaning the skill trees multiple times. I got rid of every single Perk and only left 1 test Perk to see if that was the issue. It was not.


My mod list is empty. I am not running any other mods besides my own mod and the 3 official DLCs.


Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know a cause or a solution for this? I'm super frustrated and don't know how to continue with my mod before fixing this issue.

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If you have problem with your skill tree even without loading your mod (esp), then you will need to make a fresh installation of the game and DLCs.

If this is happening with your mod (esp) loaded then you need to share more info on what you have actually done so that help can be provided.

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If you have problem with your skill tree even without loading your mod (esp), then you will need to make a fresh installation of the game and DLCs.
If this is happening with your mod (esp) loaded then you need to share more info on what you have actually done so that help can be provided.



Gladly. I can upload it, too, if that helps. A short rundown:


With my mod deactivated, everything runs perfect. No errors or freezes. So that is not the issue, it must be with my .esp file.


With the newest version of my mod, whenever I go into one of the defunct skill trees (Destruction, Onehanded etc.) the game freezes (again, not a CTD, a complete freeze). This error pops up even with skill trees that I have not touched!


My mod mostly adds new perks (I left all the vanilla ones intact) and new spells. That's it so far, nothing out of the ordinary. My only hunch where the crashes might come from is me renaming the original skill trees (Destruction is now Wizard for example). But I did that weeks ago and it seemed to have little to no direct impact aside from some things in the skill trees breaking. They could still be accessed in the game, even though links or perks were missing.


I have a previous version of my mod from last week where all perk trees are accessible besides a single one: The sneak tree. That one freezes the game as soon as it is entered. Most of the skill trees aren't even different in that version compared to the current one, which makes the scenario even more confusing. If you want to look at my .esp I'll gladly upload it and send it to you.


Edit: I checked out the older version of the mod from last week and it seems that only certain perks from the Sneak tree make the game crash. It's the lowest ones, the higher-up ones seem to be fine. That doesn't explain at all why my current mod still crashes even though I purged all the changed perks :( Makes no sense damnit.

Edited by skaybestrog
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At this moment i can't provide this kind of help, i'm only coming here to provide some help to modders before going to sleep, i have my hands full and i'm spending every single free minute i have to finish my project and i'm working till my eyes drops, i'm about to close 2 years since it started and i'm 85% of it's completion. So sorry... I was hoping more to be able to pinpoint the solution to your problem, but uploading it is a good idea maybe someone with free time can take a look at it.

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don't worry too much, there is a fix for everything. in case anyone else has come across this problem:


It is apparently not related to your perks effects at all, but rather has to do with perk placement in the CK menu. there seem to be some constellations that just break your game, and I could not figure out at all what exactly was the problem. I moved around perks in a single tree for three hours now and finally disabled whatever was causing the freeze. I still have the same error in all other affected skill trees and will likely have to manually move all the perks around until I find what exactly it is causing the problem.

Edited by skaybestrog
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After hours of fiddling, I get all my skill trees reverted to a state where nothing freezes. I add back a few perks to one single skill tree (!) and 4 others break. I'm at a loss for words :nuke:


I'm still sure it has to do with the positioning of the individual perks, but via google I have found no guideline on how to do it properly.

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  • 10 months later...

I know I'm super late to the party but I just had recently the same problem with my own WIP and for me it had to do with multylevel perks that had wrong connections or missing levels.

For example I had linked the last one as "next perk" to the first one. After I doublechecked every single perk I created and corrected my errors it works fine.

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