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Dawnguard DLC and Custrom races?


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So..Hell yes! Dawnguard is here! Vampire lords are here! Wohoo!!



Everything was amazing, until i came to the part when i allow Harkon to turn me into a Vampire Lord.


I'm currently at the tutorial part, where he teaches you the basics, and when he prompts me to turn into a vampire lord....

Well strange thing happens.


I select the power, i use it, but...Nothing happens. I try opening the spellbook, favourites, items, or anything, but it's not aviable.

But i had two spells equipped, and i can use them.


Conclusion: Cannot transfrom into a vampire lord. I bet it's because i use a custom race.

Moonshadow elf, to be specific. By now it's not aviable on the nexus, but it's a really awesome mod, so i got it when it was aviable.




The question, or my plea for help, if you feel like it: Is there any mod, or anything that can fix this? Custrom race compatibility mod, or anything that can enable the use of custom races as a vampire lord?


I bet i'm not the only one who's game is partially ruined by this problem, if you can, please help! :sad:


EDIT: I've tried this mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10165 Doesn't work.

Edited by mutle122
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I'm wondering about this as I'm also playing a custom race. Whenever I had wanted to play a vampire version of a custom race in the past, I have simply opened up the CS and added the vampire traits manually to the race. It's actually pretty easy. You don't have to be a CS wiz. To find out what the vampire abilities are just open one of the vanilla vamp races like Breton or Nordvampire and copy what you see there. Once you give your moonelf the vamp traits is may work fine since the most obvious reason for the fail is the lack of the base vampire abilities which the DLC builds upon. Then again it may be more complicated and usually is.
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DG seems to break with all custom races regardless of vampire compatibility scripting. All I can really say at this point is hang in there, a fix will come up - I'm jumping on it with my Dagi-Raht the moment I get to sit down with the DLC. It's probably a much more deeper-running issue with quest scripting though.
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The custom race vampire fix is only good for a temporary solution as it forces your main race into a vampire. It doesn't help race modders. I just fired up DG in the creation kit to see what makes it tick and keep getting crashes as I load the ESM file. I can't even open the DLC to examine it. This is a freaking modder's nightmare right here. :(
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i have a similar problem with the vampire lord form. in the past i used showracemenu and player.setrace to change into a dark elf, but when i tranform back from vampire lord i become a high elf (which was the race i started as).. anyone having the same problem?
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I have a similar problem to you leo but mine is the ashen race. After reverting from vampire lord she is reverted to normal Ashen instead of vampire Ashen.

I also used showracemenu to change it (it was originally nord) so I'm wondering if this might be the cause.


*Edit* I can confirm that there is something that showracemenu breaks with regards to vampire lord, what it is that causes the problem I am still uncertain

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