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Fresh Game Start and Issues


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So going to start by introducing myself. I am not new to the modding scene but i am having some serious troubleshooting issues. I just started from scratch AGAIN with fallout 4 due to an issue that I am having. With nothing in my games (Fallout 4) folder, Nothing in appdata (Using ModOrganizer 2) and nothing in the default fallout 4 directory. I am still having this issue. I start a completely new mod organizer 2 profile. The only thing i change for the .ini is my resolution. I launch the fallout 4 launcher set the resolution then close. Launch f4se with ONLY Start another life activated. And when i run to sanctuary i can instantly access the workshop. Even without this mod activated I can access the workshops. I am looking to identify what is causing this, as it is interfering with other mods and the main questline which I desperately want to play through.


I have googled and researched and finding nothing similar to the issue I am having. If you have any ideas or solutions please help me. Thank you from one modder to another.

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