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New scar


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Hello everybody, would it be possible to create a replacer for vanilla scar1? (the one under left eye that looks like knife wound)


I'd like it to cut through eye from the eyebrow height to the mouth height (approx) - so both under eye and above eye (if you still don't know how that looks like, look here: http://narutopics.bravehost.com/myPictures/Kakashi7.jpg )


I'm trying to create a witch-like caster, and I wanted hazel(or kiwi)-green right eye, solid white blind left eye (problematic too, since every mod's blind eye is freaking silver... I wanted plain white eyeball without pupil and iris) - with a giant scar going through that eye..


I'd simply like to create character looking like this awesome art: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=wizard#/d2n0by9 (not mine.. it looks so damn great!)




Also I'm having problems with Ashen and Temptress races and scars - it seems like only about 1.5-2cm of the scar1 are visible and the rest is just cut off (so it starts way under eye and looks like scratched cheek :S) - anyone has any idea what's causing it?

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I've managed to create such scar by modifying the femalehead.dds texture of temptress race, but that simply ain't right (even if it looks okay.. for being drawn in MSPaint :D)


anyway, I've abandoned the project, since there is no hair nor armor even slightly looking like the picture

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