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Worthwhile food cooking... + Food Raw Food attraction spawns.


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Worthwhile food cooking...


In Skyrim, cooking food, is pretty much a waste of time. Especially if you use one of the needs mods. Such as Realistic Needs and Diseases, or Ineeds.


In Minecraft... cooking food is essential, especially with a modded game.



In Skyrim, you eat a fully cooked meal, and it has virtually the same value as eating raw Carrots. With a needs mod installed.


In Minecraft, you eat a fully prepared meal or food. Then you will not get hungry for longer, and food will last you longer.




Reason... Satiety bar, which is what food gives you to fill you. Along with a visual representation of how much it will heal you, not needed if using needs mods on Skyrim.






1. Food only fills your stomach, to stop debuffs and death. The needs mods do this, but don't take it far enough.

2. Raw food is virtually worthless, constant hunger returning. Raw and spoilt meat is like poison.

3. Cooked food is like eating a weak, Notch Apple. Scaling with cooked food quality... Minecraft has an excellent, and varied cooking mod, called Cooking for Blockheads. That adds tons more food, and scaling in quality, with more prepared foods.

4. Food loses appeal, the longer you eat it. Getting less and less quality.... Minecraft mod, The Spice of Life does this.

5. Some food, leave a BAD TASTE debuff. Reducing Stamina regen, by 50% for quite a while.

6. Good food, leaves various Buffs, High Spirits, Joy, Tasty, Warming.

7. Cold food, leaves debuffs. Cold, Bad Taste as well.




Food problems...


Soups get cold.

Meat attracts animals, carry tons of meat and you may have to deal with spawning animals.

Rotten meat, attracts the undead.

Carry raw Horker meat, will attract carnivores and Horkers.

Carrying raw fish, will attract fish.

Carrying raw veg, may get hungry animals attacking you, trying to get your tasty raw Carrots.

Carrying nice cooked meat, can occasionally get you good deals from traders.

Carrying Eggs, can sometimes hatch. Spawning various things, sometime nasty. Fish, Chickens, Chaurus, etc...


Carrying raw Human items, can attract a variety of nasty things. Vampires, animals, the undead.



Just some ideas, as I never eat much more than basic foods and stuff that cures sickness.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Great idea, coupled with maybe passive buffs from eating a warm meal after a long day or a buff if eaten with friends; I think it would become essential for most iNeeds players.

The cooking would probably have to be streamlined (i.e. batch cooking), but I think that's the job of a different mod entirely.

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Great idea, coupled with maybe passive buffs from eating a warm meal after a long day or a buff if eaten with friends; I think it would become essential for most iNeeds players.

The cooking would probably have to be streamlined (i.e. batch cooking), but I think that's the job of a different mod entirely.


I'd be happy with a cooker mod, you put all your food items in it. Then just pick out the recipes when needed, the current way. Is that you have to lug around 10 Ton of food items, that spoil in a few days.


Maybe a cooking pot with an inventory, and inventory check. Instead of a player inventory check, like Cooking For Blockheads on Minecraft.

Just dump all your food in it, and when you're in the area. Get cooking, with more recipes arriving as you level up your cooking skills.


1. Garbage cook... cook spoiled foods

2. Filling cook... cook heavy meals

3. Mage cook... cook magical foods

4. Seafood cook... cook all the food from the sea, with Waterbreathing on some of them.

5. Warming cook... cook foods that keep you from freezing to death, with Frostfall.


Just some more ideas... :smile:

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