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Where did the survival equation change?


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hello I warn that my English is not the best


Where did the survival equation change?


I am something new in this, and I was looking for where to reduce the increase in food bonuses but I can not find which file I should touch
Game setting? Script? Global?
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The "Survival" skill formula is given here. However, such formulas tend to be "hard coded" in the game engine. Typically the best you can do is change the value of one of the components used in that formula, such as "base", or the "ingestible" food item's "base effect" (i.e. "spell") values.


Generally your best bet is to locate some mod which does something similar to what you want and see how they managed it.



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thanks for answering

I imagined what you said about the formula

Yesterday I found "fMagicSurvivalSkillMult" and modified it (I put it in 0.5, originally it was in 2), the results seem to be satisfactory but I could not check it too much, from my ignorance of everything I saw, it does not seem to affect other things in the future q the food bonuses

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I couldn't find anything regarding that variable ("fMagicSurvivalSkillMult") specifically. To test it, you need to first determine the boost given by different specific food items in the unmodified game. Then recheck those same item results after adjusting that value.


I would be interested to learn what you discover. so we can document that variable's effects



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it worked! (Until now)

With medicine and survival, food and medicine grows its effects x3 if your skill is 100.

but it does not differentiate the good from the bad

for example if your food gives you -40 hunger and +10 dehydration

if your survival skill is 100, the effects go up to -120 hunger +30 dehydration

At least my experience playing with Project Nevada and YUP that are the only Mods that in theory could have any influence on these effects although I did not find any

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Those results are not surprising. A "multiplier" variable should be expected to affect both positive and negative results. You would need to change the "base effects" to alter those. As far as I've seen using PN, it doesn't alter vanilla base "spell" effects; only those it adds. But it is not something I have investigated in depth.



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