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Vortex and SKSE for legendary edition


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so im kinda new to modding skyrim, not even sure where to ask this, but i dont know how to get Vortex and the skse working together

there are several mods i want to use that must have SKSE, but vortex isnt giving me an option to load with SKSE, it just launches skyrim from its own launcher thingy

my part time solution was to just use mods from the workshop, but thats become problamatic because its lacking in alot of options, and limits my choices.'


could someone steer me in the right direction?

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Go to Vortex Dashboard, there's a button called "Add Tool". Click it, "New", and then click the folder on the "Target" option, find the SKSE launcher, click it and add. Fill out the rest as needed and you'll be able to launch SKSE directly out of Vortex.


If you don't want to do that you can launch SKSE normally, how you launch it doesn't seem to effect the end result much since all the plugins/mods are in the Data folder of Skyrim, which SKSE accesses regardless of how it's run.

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