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Help i'm a noob again :P


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Hello there ive been playing with mod with morrowind,oblivion and the two Fallout game and i pretty much learned by myself how to run them and get them to work together. I've just recently reinstalled Skyrim because i wanted to try to install mod but i cant seem to find a beginner tutorial anywhere. I know i will install a lot of mod (as i remember it once you start modding you spend as much time trying out new mod as playing) so i wanted to know:


1- Where can i find a guide that will allow me to get started without pestering everyone

2- What utilities should i instal (mod manager, load order, archive invalidated etc)

3- ive got a quad 3.1 with 8go of ram and a msi 560gtx ti-hawk what kind of load should i be able to run with that rig ?


I know i could probably go the easy way with steam workshop but ive been on the nexus all this time and i kind of like the community.


thank you for your help and sorry for my english my first language is french

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