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ModTek 0.70 help!


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I recently came back to Battletech and downloaded some mods. Made sure all of them were 1.4 compatible. Followed the guide to install ModTek and BTML. Fresh install of Battletech.

Whenever I launch the game and ModTek starts Merging files, I keep running into this error:


Add/Replace: ".modtek\Cache\BattleTech_Data\StreamingAssets\data\constants\ApplicationConstants.json" (ApplicationConstants)
Uncaught ModTek exception!
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'BattleTech.Data.MetadataDatabase.WriteInMemoryDBToDisk'.
at ModTek.UI.ProgressPanel+ProgressBarLoadingBehavior+<RunWorkList>d__20.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

It has done it on several files so far. I keep deleting the files and trying again, but it inevitably runs into another. I'm beginning to think it's more an issue with ModTek than it is with the mods. The first time I hit it, it was merging JK's Rarity mod and Vehicle Improvements, the lancedef_vehicle_d9_dynamic_convoy.json file. So I removed both of them. then it was the lancedef_vehicle_d9_dynamic_AssaultBattle.json file. So I remove both of them too. The last one was ApplicationConstants.json from the Custom Ammo Catagories mod.

Any ideas?

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