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Creating seperate "patch" mods for bigger mods


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Hi all,
I recently found a part of Diamond City that has some conflicting objects. The objects only conflict when I have Diamond City Expanded enabled.
I know the basics of Creation Kit, and have been able to get in there, load up the Diamond City Expanded esp file, go to Diamond City and fix the conflicting objects. My changes are reflected in game too, so it works.
Except when I save the esp, I'm only saving the original Diamond City Expanded esp. Is there someway I can save my changes as a seperate esp file that requires Diamond City Expanded to run so I can upload it to Nexus or etc?
Thanks :)


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You can use xEdit (FO4Edit) 4.02:


1) Save your edited version in another folder

2) Load the original plugin in xEdit

3) Use the "Create delta patch" option and select your edited version

4) Save and exit xEdit, then change the file extension from .esu to .esp


This will automatically create a patch with all the changes you made, and only those changes, and Diamond City Expanded would be a master just as it would using the CK. Depending on how much was required, having to redo the entire thing in the CK might be a pain. Additionally, if Diamond City Expanded's plugin is a .esp file, the CK will rip it out when you save your patch, which will break things horribly. The CK is "helpful" like that.


Also, if Diamond City Expanded updates, you can use the delta patch process to compare the version your patch was made off of to the new version and quickly check if your patch needs to be updated.

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