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TK Dodge


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Ok; TK dodge looks like a great mod which will greatly add to the combat of Skyrim.

However, I almost cannot comprehend what the author has typed in the description and I've no idea how to install it, I've tried various methods but none of them have worked.

Does anyone care to do a proper English translation with an in-depth description and installation instructions?

If not, please tell me how to install it correctly :).

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1. Download ScriptDragon, copy dinput8.dll, Scriptdragon.dll (this files at bin folder) and pluginsrc folder to Skyrim folder

2. copy asi folder and Data folder from tkdodge.7z to Skyrim folder. checklist dodge.esp at Data Files

3. if you want change the key, just open dodge.ini at asi folder

Edited by Guest
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First of all, you need to have the script dragon, the link is packed in the readme file, but it seems the site went down, for some odd reasons, so here's an alternative link, to download the latest, if you haven't have the script; http://www.mediafire.com/?cxp7yb20gzvp11b


I assume, you know how to install the script dragon? If not let me know, but for now, i will assume, you do know.

When you have downloaded ect. you get two different folders right? Data and a Asi folder.


The data folder, you just place it at SteamApps > Common > Skyrim > Data. ONLY THE DATA FOLDER!

DO not place the asi folder there too. Now go to that asi folder, copy everything in that folder and past it where the TESV.exe is located.

Instead you copy the whole asi folder, you just copy what's inside that folder.


One more thing tho.. Do you use a controller? Or just play it the regular fashion, with the keyboard?

I play it with the controller, and i need to figure out, how to let it work with it, but it should work now, with the keyboard.


Anyway, i hope my explanation, wasn't clear for you, if not, give me a holler, and i will try to explain it better :thumbsup:




It looks like ashigi was a head of me with explaining lol. Haven't noticed that. Anyway, i hope it works out for you.

Edited by NanaBeats
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