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[LE] Dialogues: Duplicate "Topic Info"?


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Short: Is there a way to clone (exact copy) a "Topic Info" respectively to reference it from multiple Topics in multiple Branches?


I just started with the Creation Kit, trying to add a dialogue option to the stable hosters, to buy a mule.


There's a quest named "stables" which contains one Dialogue branch to buy a horse. I added another branch to buy a mule, set it to Top-Level and added a topic to it, which i set as Starting Topic.


I populated that topic with a single "Topic Info" which is a copy of a "Topic Info" from the vanilla StablesBuyHorseTopic (which is the Starting Topic of the vanilla StablesBuyHorse branche). I removed most conditions (e.g. if player already bought a horse) from that copied Topic Info, to be sure it will be shown.


Nothing but vanilla.


When i opened the copied "Topic Info" afterwards, i noticed, that it is in fact not an exact copy, instead it references to a new Response Text that in turn points to audio files that are not existing. Possibly more references have been replaced, i didn't look any further, yet. Since i just want to use the default vanilla audio already used in the vanilla response and actually don't want to replace ANYTHING in that "Topic Info", a reference to or clone of the vanilla "Topic Info" would save me a bit of work (and lots of work in the long term). I guess Bethesda wants us to be careful to not accidently changing a "Topic Info" that affects a lot of dialogues, but i hope that there's still a way to do it. Is there? How?

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Once you duplicate a vanilla line that duplicate is part of your mod and the wav file for that line must be in your mods voice directory ie in sounds/voice/yourmod.esp

You have to extract the line from the sounds bsa and change the name to the new reference the ck has given to it.



I did a tutorial here: https://shumer-a-new-world.fandom.com/wiki/Voicing_Trainers

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