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Changing Defense Values


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Hi, this is my first time on the Forums and the Nexus, as well as using the Creation Kit.



Problem: I have loved modding the game, as there's lots of little things that are in need of changing. For me, it was the high-level gameplay. Being level 40, I killed anything with ease (on Master) and so I naturally modded the game to be harder. What I didn't know is that the defense values have caps:


Armor: 567 at 80%

Magic at 80%

Elements at 80%


I was able to naturally cap the magic issue, which solved mages one shotting me. However, due to the mods specifics, I can't stand up to anything in adept (again, mod made game more difficult) even with 1300 Armor rating. Because it was capped 700 rating ago. Effectively, making my armor useless.


Aim: I have a SS below of some stats I assume are part of the physical armor values. I'd like some one to simply tell me what some of them do and more specifically, which ones effect:




Armor Rating Cap

Damage Reduction % per Rating

Damage Reduction % Cap

(Anything else important)


I'd like to move the cap up to about 95% at about.. Probably 1500 Armor rating, maybe 1800 (Depends on how high you can naturally get armor rating). As well as raise the caps for the magic, but for now, I just want to fix physical damage!



Thanks for your help, in advance!


Edit: Wrong SS

Edited by Double_Fury
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Hi, this is my first time on the Forums and the Nexus, as well as using the Creation Kit.



Problem: I have loved modding the game, as there's lots of little things that are in need of changing. For me, it was the high-level gameplay. Being level 40, I killed anything with ease (on Master) and so I naturally modded the game to be harder. What I didn't know is that the defense values have caps:


Armor: 567 at 80%

Magic at 80%

Elements at 80%


I was able to naturally cap the magic issue, which solved mages one shotting me. However, due to the mods specifics, I can't stand up to anything in adept (again, mod made game more difficult) even with 1300 Armor rating. Because it was capped 700 rating ago. Effectively, making my armor useless.


Aim: I have a SS below of some stats I assume are part of the physical armor values. I'd like some one to simply tell me what some of them do and more specifically, which ones effect:




Armor Rating Cap

Damage Reduction % per Rating

Damage Reduction % Cap

(Anything else important)


I'd like to move the cap up to about 95% at about.. Probably 1500 Armor rating, maybe 1800 (Depends on how high you can naturally get armor rating). As well as raise the caps for the magic, but for now, I just want to fix physical damage!



Thanks for your help, in advance!


Edit: Wrong SS


I'm actually working on a mod that changes these values, so I can direct you to where to look. However, I haven't gotten to testing things, so you may find these aren't what you are looking for (which I would like to know XD).


http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Settings - This is a listing of all the gameplay setting values you already took a screenshot of. It explains a few of the values, but not every one of them.


You can also check any Skyrim wiki for the current caps (which is 80% for physical, and 85% for magical resistance).


fPlayerMaxResistance is set to 85, and I'm fairly certain this is your magic resistance (it also is set to work for the elemental resistance, so you can't alter the cap for elemental or magic resistance just by itself).


fMaxArmorRating is set to 80, and again, fairly certain this is your physical resistance cap.


fArmorScalingFactor is how much resistance you get per point of armor, which is how you figure out a person needs 667 armor to achieve 80% armor rating. 567 is the number you need if you are wearing four pieces of light or heavy armor, as each piece of armor gives an internal 25 armor rating (which is not listed on the armor). I'm still uncertain if a gameplay setting sets this, or if there is something else in the CK that controls this.


Anyway, how that helps you out in terms of direction!

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I've been working on this for some time, testing and what have you. I think I might actually make a mod for this, as the CK doesn't seem nearly as complex and scary as I first thought. The major problem will be the low-level balancing. It's great that I am tweaking for my current level, but not others.



Basically I have learned that the armor values at low levels suck, terribly. A full armor set is about 30%, and then it's a snails crawl until you get 567-AR. I think I know how I'll fix this, but I need to get some information on what armor lowbies are wearing at what levels. The mod itself will be really simple. Just all the math involved will be time consuming.


Are there any other values that effect relative defenses, like the Magic an Physical? Or is it just those few?


And what's fArmorRatingPC and all those other ones? Is PC: Player Character being my character?


Sooo many questions @_@

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A shame no one is really offering much help on all this. I've found that


fMaxArmorRating is the % cap

fArmorScalingFactor is the % per AR

fArmorRatingPCBase Does some weird subtraction/addition deal when it's increased/decreased from 1.0000



I still don't know what changes the 100 hidden armor rating

Edited by Double_Fury
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This may be pointless, as no one really was able to answer the other questions.


But what is the setting that changes the 'Hidden' AR you get from armor?


I know it's 100 in total, but I can't figure out which one deals with it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm shamefully bumping this in hopes of some one finding it with the answer. Please, if you're out there, show me :(


Hey buddy sorry to keep you waiting for a simple answer . Its the fArmorBaseFactor and it works like this : fArmorScalingFactor as you see is 0.12000 and the variable of hidden armor is 3% damage reduction so it translates into 3 / 0.12 = 25 armor rating now for 4 pieces of armor means 100 hidden armor rating or in total 12% hidden damage reduction . SUGGESTIONS : only change armor scaling to 0.1 , armor max to 0.90 ( means 90 % cap ) and increase fSmithingConditioningFactor from 0.5825 to 1 . This way Smithing will be very effective and will level your gear to legendary and beyond much faster . It works like a charm in my mod !!! Oh and if you are interested in ELEMENTAL AND MAGIC RESISTANCE too search for fPlayerMaxResistance and change it from 0.85 to 0.90 . It will raise the cap for both specific and general magic resistance , so having say 90% frost resistance and 90% magic resistance makes you take only 1% frost damage because they stack like 10% of 10% = 1% u get the formula idea ? Search also for dual casting and change magicka use from 2.80 to 2.00 . It will make dual casting efficient while boosting magic with 220% and using only 200% magicka . IF YOU NEED ANYTHING ELSE TO ASK , ILL BE HAPPY TO ANSWER . CHECK OUT MY MOD WHICH OF COURSE HAS THESE CHANGES ON IN AND MUCH MORE IF YOU LIKE IT : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22982/ . See ya !!!

Edited by Andiz
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