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How do you UN manage a game


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A more automated way of cleaning things up in preparation of an uninstall or unmanaging the game is actually on my todo list, but it's far more complex than you might think and thereby the risk of something going wrong is massive, so the feature is basically rated "effort: high, risk: high, gain: low".


Let's say you start managing a game, create a second profile, add mods to the profile, change settings in your ini files, create profile-local save games.

Then you uninstall Vortex.

What is vortex to do? Go back to the state before the game was managed? This would involve deleting the profile, reverting all ini settings you made while using it and the save games. Surely you can see how users might not expect their savegames to get deleted.

Or, turn the last profile you used into a now permanent state? But that wouldn't be a "revert" and it'd involve deleting the first profile with all of _its_ settings and profile-local save games - same problem.

We could try to "merge" the savegames and settings, but that too wouldn't be a revert and it would still bear the risk of overwriting things (e.g. both profiles would contain autosaves/quicksaves that are not uniquely named).

This gets much more complicated since Vortex supports so many games, other games may require changes to xml files or the registry.


Also: You might expect Vortex to remove all the mods when you "unmanage" a game, another user may expect vortex to leave the mods installed and just stop managing them, so they act as if they were installed manually. A third user might expect Vortex to not drop any information so you can "re-manage" the game at a later time and just continue where you left off.


A cleanup will always either leave too much or delete too much for some users expectations and I'd much rather have a user mildly unhappy for having to do cleanup manually than have a user furious because we "cleaned up" a mod that he had worked on for months.

I understand what you are getting at, but again this is not really what I was referring to. What I was proposing was not as complex as all that, but I digress.


Finally, I would be fine manually cleaning things up after a game gets "un-managed" but as I eluded to before, I have no idea what files / folders are created / edited when a game is managed so I would not know what to clean up even if I wanted to. If there was a list of these changes laid out somewhere that I could reference when the need arises then I would be more than happy to do this myself until a more robust and automatic solution could be put into place within vortex itself.

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  • 9 months later...


how tho


The way to remove a game from the "Managed" tab is by removing all profiles you had for it. Even if you haven't enabled profile management, managing a game means having at least a default profile for it.



Settings > Enable Profile Management

Profiles > Edit > Remove

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