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ebony armor issue


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maybenexttime, fyi, your image link is not formatted completely:



are you using any running animation or body skeleton mods?

are you sure the game default ebony armor is not being messed up by an armor mod?

does the bottom of other armor look messed up while running or is it just the ebony armor?

did this start happening after the v1.6 or v1.7 patch update?

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@maybenexttime, the armor tail piece sticking out at an odd angle whenever the modified running animation engages

is a known issue with this mod and also happens with Daedric armor.


Modder XP32 is aware of the issue (August 3rd) and is working on a fix but has not applied it yet.

Feminine Running and New Dash Animation by xp32 - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11447

I'm guessing the modder originally intended this running animation mod to be used with lighter cloth/leather gear, not the heavy stuff.




If you want to restore Skyrim back to the default female running animation until there's a fix,

just manually rename/delete/disable this modded .HKX animation file (i think):


By removing this modified loose file animation, skyrim will use the default version in 'Skyrim - Animations.bsa'.

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maybenexttime, i've never used NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) and prefer installing mods manually so i

know exactly what's going on.


Maybe someone on the forum can chime in here and confirm that NMM can completely uninstall a mod and restore

Skyrim to its previous state prior to a specific mod install, i am not familiar with NMM's feature set sorry.



I guess if you used the 'All In One NMM Installer' from that mod, it was scripted to allow you to configure the mod's options and

would keep track of whatever changes it made to Skyrim so it can reverse/restore on demand, i don't know sorry.

The mod doesn't need or use ESP/ESM plugins and adds a bunch of modified animation, mesh and script loose files.

Personally, I would be careful with any mod that installs replacement character mesh/animation/scripts given

the fundamental skeleton changes patch v1.6 made to the game..


Anyway, you should be able to at least 'disable' the mod via NMM, again, how to completely uninstall a mod via NMM i don't know.

Just delete the files manually i guess, be careful with file versions you find in '\skyrim\data\meshes\actors\character'

like 'skeleton.nif' or 'skeleton_female.nif'.

You can always manually download the mod and see what files/folders it adds/replaces in the game.

Edited by xlcr
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