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Foam, waterfalls and smoke glow in the dark.


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Good day everyone, i am desperate so here i am posting a question in a forum for the first time in my life.

so.. im having that problem where water foam and smoke glows in the dark.

first of all.. here have some screenshots so you know what i am talking about.




(god i hope that spoiler thing works)


This is is a bug from the vanilla game, as i understand it, those meshes are considered fire particles by the engine and get lit up accordingly.

Since nights in this game are almost as bright as day you dont really see this problem, but when you use darker nights it gets more and more obvious.

I am running Darker Nights, Vivid Weathers, Re-Engaged ENB and Realistic Water two. (Obviously a lot more but those are the only ones that could have an effect on that)

I know 'Majestic Mountains' somehow created that bug for a lot of people who didnt have the problem before but the latest patch fixed that and i have that problem even with Majestic Mountains uninstalled.


'Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB' used to fix exactly that problem BUT... sir Mindflux decided to delete those meshfiles from the latest version due to people complaining about incompatibilities with weather mods.

There is no way to get those files anymore.


I have tried tweaking the ENBseries.ini but they dont seem to respond to anything i do there (not even disabling the enb fixes it).

I tried uninstalling all the mods mentioned above, only uninstalling darker nights 'fixes' the bug by making the night as bright as the water but thats not my goal here.


I really hope someone can help me out here.


Edit: I forgot to mention i also use ELFX with interior enhancer and without exteriors, uninstalling that doesnt work either.

Edited by Reekabo
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