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Dawnguard HD texture pack


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Is this the same HD texture pack that was offered a few months after Skyrim's release, and just updated for Dawnguard, or does it only have Dawnguard textures in it? I never switched to the HD texture pack until it came up when I bought the DLC and I would like some clarification.


Either way, since I installed it, does this mean I could have potential issues with texture mods? I believe I read the HD texture pack was defaulted to first in the hierarchy and wouldn't allow textures in the directory to be shown unless you made changes to your ini's.

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I don't see any mention of a Dawnguard HD pack on Steam DLC...


I don't know, I clicked DLC and the Dawnguard DLC showed up at $19.99, and there was a free HD texture pack. Maybe it is the same as the one that came out closer to release and you already have it?


I saw mention of it in the Dawnguard release thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/746132-dawnguard-is-out-on-steam/ as well, starting with post #26

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