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Modifying Enchantment Charge Cost


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I recently tried to remove enchantment charge cost of several enchantments, so I never have to charge the weapons I have enchanted of my own. What I did was to uncheck auto-calc, and change values of ench amount and enchantment cost to zero.

Since I suck at explaining, hit the link to understand what is said above: http://i.imgur.com/0vG3x.jpg

Few of those enchantments were: EnchWeaponShockBaseDamage, EnchWeaponFireBaseDamage and EnchWeaponFrostBaseDamage. The mod seems to take effect on most enchantments, EXCEPT frost damage. ie. whenever I fire a bow enchanted with fire dmg, the charge-bar doesn't even appear. However, frost-enchanted weapon seems to use up the charge.


What am I doing wrong? Is there other way(s) to do it?


thx for reading through

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