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Can't turn to Vampire Lord anymore, I made a mistake


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Try reverting to an old save, or make a new character. And add in the Vampire Lord power via console and try using the ability, if it doesn't work then; it means the problem is with your game files, and not your save files. If it does work, that means there's a problem with your save files.


Did that, didn't work on old save or new save

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Try reverting to an old save, or make a new character. And add in the Vampire Lord power via console and try using the ability, if it doesn't work then; it means the problem is with your game files, and not your save files. If it does work, that means there's a problem with your save files.


Did that, didn't work on old save or new save


Ok, than it's something wrong with your game files. Did you install any new mods, updated any, or do anything at all to change the composition of your game data? This sorta thing can't just happen on it's own, so we need to pinpoint any changes you may have made.

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I'm having the same issue after installing the newest version of Magic Duel released yesterday and the newest version of VL can loot. both are supposed to be DG compatible but it seems at least one of them is not. I've uninstalled both and still have glitch. I don't have the exact same issue as above, instead when I click to change, nothing happens (no animation, no sound etc.) although then I'm locked out of my character menu as if I had changed to VL. I used the player setrace cmd to revert back to a high elf which unlocks menus, but as soon as I try the power again it does the same thing. hopefully it's just a save issue, going to try a new char and see.
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Trying turning into a Vampire Lord with a new character, if it works, it's the save. If it doesn't still, then it's your game files. The first thing I can suggest is to look in your script folders, see if you can find any files starting with DLC1.
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Trying turning into a Vampire Lord with a new character, if it works, it's the save. If it doesn't still, then it's your game files. The first thing I can suggest is to look in your script folders, see if you can find any files starting with DLC1.



Found this file in source, but not in main script folder. It says it was created 6/14/12 though which was well before DW DLC and when the problem started. Backed it up and removed but still had problem. I played through DG quest all the way up through the vamp missions until I had all the scrolls. what's his name (spoiler cover) stopped me right out side the bone yard and then it started happening right after that. I had saved just prior, installed the magic duel mod and restarted which is why I think that mod is the culprit.


Edit - Corrupted save, seems to work now with other character.





Edited by gradylile66
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Yeah that script you mention is from an update, that isn't causing it. Try uninstalling Magic Duel and see if that help. Even though I have that mod and it works fine for me, try it anyway.
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Yeah that script you mention is from an update, that isn't causing it. Try uninstalling Magic Duel and see if that help. Even though I have that mod and it works fine for me, try it anyway.


Yeah, I pulled MD out about 2 minutes after I noticed the bug, and didn't fix. I was kind of over it anyway. Just reached the quest line with another character/race and it seems to be working OK. The other save is toast I guess, 20 levels of work down the drain....oh well! :-)

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Well still haven't been able to fix this error, I'm starting to think its my game files, so I'll be stealing them from a friend to see if that fixes it. -.-


What you can always do, is uninstall skyrim and re install it, just don't change your skyrim folder in my documents or delete any mods.



Yeah that script you mention is from an update, that isn't causing it. Try uninstalling Magic Duel and see if that help. Even though I have that mod and it works fine for me, try it anyway.


Yeah, I pulled MD out about 2 minutes after I noticed the bug, and didn't fix. I was kind of over it anyway. Just reached the quest line with another character/race and it seems to be working OK. The other save is toast I guess, 20 levels of work down the drain....oh well! :-)


That means the problem was with your save game. It's a good idea to keep multiple saves just in case of situations like this.

Edited by PeterTran
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